#elriel modern au
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violetasteracademic · 2 months ago
WIP ask game snippet for @misskket and the Elriel's waiting on The Alchemy 😘
Elain Archeron is a labor and delivery nurse and ex teen beauty queen with dreams of travelling and a new life, but a paralyzing fear of planes and change.
Azriel is a world renowned photojournalist who hasn't stopped running from his past and his problems for over a decade, and scarcely spends more than a week in the same country.
Two diverging paths cross in Velaris when Azriel agrees to take a six month contract to help Rhysand and Cassian restore the lost reputation and funding for Velaris Memorial Hospital.
Honestly, who are we to fight the Alchemy?
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Rough draft snippet:
Maybe I haven’t fully healed from losing our parents and becoming destitute at sixteen. Maybe I was using up too much bandwidth at my job as a labor and delivery nurse, working long and erratic hours and watching life and death move in a circle around me every day. But I needed something steady. I needed to feel like the ground beneath my feet wasn’t going to crumble away and send me into free fall.
Graysen is steady. He’s safe. We want the same things. He isn’t perfect, but neither am I. There are things I am never going to get out of this life, and I’m the only one to blame for it. But with Graysen Nolan, I can have enough.
That night I dreamed I was standing at the airport gate. The same one I fell apart in front of when I was seventeen.
A little girl with long golden brown hair stood at the open door to the jetway.
I don’t know who she is. She could be me or my mother, who took every opportunity to tell anyone who would listen I looked just like her when she was my age. Or perhaps she was my future daughter, who would look just like me, and the chain of indistinguishable old photos would live on. Maybe this little girl was some other ghost I’ve yet to meet. My dream won’t make it clear.
She turns to me and outstretches her tiny hand.
“Are you coming?” she asks.
I try to force myself to move, but I can’t. My feet are frozen to the ground, unable to take the steps forward. Too afraid to feel the earth fall away as I lift into the air and see the world grow smaller and smaller during the ascent into the sky.
Over the intercom, there is a last call for boarding. My heart shatters into a thousand tiny jagged pieces as the girls hazy face collapses, because she knows I am going to let her down. Wherever she is headed, I can’t go with her. I have to stay standing still. I have to keep my feet on the ground.
I know what happens if I get on that plane.
I am not a woman who flies.
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murkyrealms · 3 months ago
Okayyy everyone I’ve gone through just about every single canon compliant fics for Elriel that I could get my hands on, and now I’m branching out to modern AUs and I reallly really need some recommendations 🫶🏻
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i’ll follow you anywhere
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prompt nine: what if?
I hope everyone has enjoyed Elriel Month- I’ve loved it!! The sheer number and quality of all the content everyone created, shared and loved has been incredible! I love the elriel community so much. I have so many fics to still catch up on so if you have any I missed, please let me know! Many are already on the tbr :).
I’ll also be putting up a little EM Masterlist soon for anyone that missed any of my fics and would like to catch up 🥰
So, something a little different for this prompt. Sometimes, during moments of agony, it helps to go to another place and make up stories. This story was born from one such time when I was struggling through my own spin class. It’s trashy, enjoy 💚
Angel Face was back. 
She’d just walked in, scanning her tag at the front desk, offering the muscle clad guy behind the reception desk a dazzling smile. He truly did look dazed, his eyes following her curvy form all the way across the gym to where the lockers were. 
Azriel glowered. He wanted to go and punch him in the face for staring at her like that. Not that he could talk, or blame him. Angel Face in form fitting workout tights threatened to send grown men to their knees.
Him. He was grown men. It threatened to send him to his knees.
Every time he caught sight of her at the gym, Azriel lost IQ points. His brain turned to marshmallow in her presence. He couldn’t help it.
He'd been coming to this gym for years with Rhys and Cass. It was central to all of their apartment blocks, clean enough, and had all the equipment they needed. Five and a half months ago, though, Angel Face had walked in for the first time. 
He had no idea who she was, where she had come from, what her name was. But she was fucking beautiful. She had the shiniest hair he had ever seen, and her eyes, God. Her eyes! If he could dive into them and swim forever, he would. And she always smiled. She had an air about her that was so…warm. He could just tell she was warm. She was like the fucking sun, and he couldn’t help but bend toward her light.
At first, she had started coming alone, her AirPods visible in her ears when she tied her hair up in that high ponytail that knotted his stomach and did salacious things to his thoughts. That ponytail made him want to run his tongue over every inch of her body and see what part produced the sweetest sounds.
But she had since made a couple friends, of course she had. Who wouldn’t be drawn to her? She was the fucking sun.
Azriel watched her greeting those friends with a bright smile, her head tilted back in laughter as the twins she had started working out with conversed with her across the massive floor.
It was 5:45pm, which meant Angel Face had come in for a class. Whenever he saw her here in the evening, it was always for one of the classes taken up on the mezzanine floor of the gym.
“Az. AZRIEL! Earth to fucking Azriel!!”  Cassian’s voice broke his little hopeless bubble of lust.
Azriel startled, tearing his eyes reluctantly off the brunette beauty, remembering he was supposed to be counting Cassian’s reps. “Yeah, twelve. Good job.”
Cassian huffed out a final rep. “Don’t act like you were paying attention to me you prick. I’ve been bench pressing for at least four minutes. Twelve reps my fucking ass. Worst spotter ever,” Cassian grumbled, placing the barbell back on the hooks himself and sitting up from the bench he was supine on.
“You should have known better brother,” Rhys grinned from the neighbouring bench, a set of heavy dumbbells gripped in his fists as he finished his set of chest flys.
“Wifey just walked in,” he finished, his face split with a shit eating grin, violet eyes sparkling.
Cassian followed Rhys’ gaze until he spotted the object of Azriel’s attention, her long golden-brown hair flowing down her back in soft waves, clad in a cute powder blue crop and tights set.
“Oh my god,” Cassian lamented with a long-suffering eyeroll, “stop being a pussy and just go talk to her. Put us all out of our misery.”
Azriel finally peeled his eyes away from Angel Face, reluctantly turning to his brothers beside him. Cassian’s look of annoyance overshadowed by Rhys’ utter fucking glee. Even though he encouraged others to stay out of business that wasn’t theirs, Rhys was the captain of the meddler ship.
“Women don’t come to the gym to be hit on Cass. That’s fucking creepy,” Az retorted. As he had many times before. 
“And you staring daggers at her fucking ass isn’t?” Cassian pointed a thick finger in his face, his mouth tilting up in a crooked smile.
“If you don’t go over there, I fucking will.” He’d fucking do it too. Bastard.
Azriel wasn’t sure if Cassian was so perturbed simply because it had been almost six months that Azriel had been quietly obsessing over the gorgeous brunette without making a single move, or, if he just wanted his spotter back. He took chest day very seriously.
Azriel simply stood rooted to the spot, going through every scenario possible; talk to her and possibly come off as a gym creep, or never talk to her and live with that regret forever. 
Women really hated being hit on at the gym, didn’t they? But then, what was he going to do, pine after her forever? And it would be forever because he was certain he’d never find another like Angel Face.
It didn’t seem like such a bad idea, pining. Except the thought of never knowing her name would haunt Azriel for eternity.
He could offer to help her with her workout? No, that was even creepier. He could walk past and smile, that shouldn’t be too hard. She might strike up a conversation with him, she seemed friendly and outgoing enough. But what if she didn’t?
Fuck. Why was he acting like a scared teenager? Go, Azriel. Go and fucking talk to her, you pussy. Put one motherfucking foot in front of the other and go.
“Do you think he short circuited?” he heard Rhys murmur from behind him.
“Either that, or fantasy has taken over reality and he’s half-way through fucking her brains out in the locker room in his mind,” Cassian answered without missing a beat.
“I can fucking hear you, assholes,” Azriel shot over his shoulder, still not taking his eyes off the side of Angel Face’s profile as she milled about the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her class to start.
“Oh good,” Rhys drawled, “we haven’t lost him completely.”
Just then, the group fitness instructor came waltzing out in lycra bike shorts and tank top, her headset hooked around her neck as she greeted her class. The group followed, ascending the stairs onto the mezzanine floor, taking their places for their class.
Angel Face started heading up, still animatedly laughing with her friends, her delicate hand resting on the banister as she followed the group.
“Ahhh. Too late bro, maybe next time,” Cassian mocked behind him, knowing very well that it was just another example of when Azriel had not gone over to talk to the woman he’d been lusting over for months.
Fuck. Azriel exhaled harshly, running a scarred hand through his hair. It’s not that hard! 
Before he could change his mind, Azriel grabbed his water bottle off the floor and jogged over to the bottom of the stairs where the latecomers were still piling into the group fitness room.
“Oh, so now you decide to make a move?” He heard Cassian squawk behind him, his arms splayed about wide as his voice boomed across the gym floor “Az! Who’s gonna spot my next set?” 
“You’ve got tweedle dum right there,” Azriel retorted, spinning to face his brothers as he jogged backwards, pointing a scarred finger at Rhys. His brother’s violet eyes glimmered as he laughed at the quip.
Darting up the stairs to the group fitness room Azriel halted suddenly as he came face to face with a room full of stationary bikes. Fuck. Spin class? 
Turning desperately to his brothers for help, a look of utter horror on his face, he was only met with their smug fucking expressions, challenging him silently from the level below. He couldn’t back down now. Fucking spin class.
Wandering into the room cluelessly, he spotted Angel Face in the third row, slowly rotating her legs, her feet already strapped into the pedals, the bike to her left still unoccupied. Here goes fucking nothing.
Striding over to the bike, he placed his water bottle in the holder and sat down, and immediately leapt back off. What the fuck was up with this seat?! Was it supposed to be this uncomfortable? And his knees knocked painfully into the handlebars. He groaned. He did not belong here.
“You’re tall, you’ll need to adjust your position.”
The voice that spoke was silken and soft, like a breeze dancing across the delicate petals of a rose. It melted his insides whilst simultaneously igniting them, if that were possible.
Snapping his face to the right, he was pretty sure he looked deranged. His mouth was agape, flapping noiselessly like a fucking fish out of water. 
Holy fuck. Angel Face also had an Angel Voice.
She was so stunning up close. Her eyes were like molten chocolate. She had the prettiest nose. He spotted a little beauty mark under her left eye, high on her cheek bone that he had never been close enough to see before. Marry me. 
Realising his mouth was still hanging open like an imbecile he snapped his jaw shut, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“Yeah. Right.”
Climbing back off the bike he stood beside it, eyeing off all the knobs and levers. He yanked what he thought would adjust his seat height. Nothing happened. Fuck. Maybe he should just walk back out. Why was this was so fucking awkward.
“Twist it first, then pull.”
Azriel gulped. She didn’t mean it to be sexual, she didn’t mean it to be sexual. Don’t make it weird, you fucking bastard.
Following her instructions, the seat eased and allowed him to adjust the height.
“It should reach your hip bone, keep going,” she assisted from beside him. “You might want to pull it back, away from the handlebars too.
Azriel just nodded, eyes roving over the frame of the bike.
“That lever there,” she pointed, “flick it to the right and slide the seat back,” she supplied with a smile, sensing he was lost.
Azriel swallowed. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” she replied, her smile blinding him with the light she emanated around her.
Fuck she was so beautiful. He couldn’t help but stare. He also knew he was making this interaction anything but normal. Say something. Say something and stop making it weird. JUST. SAY. ANYTHING.
Oh my god, did he just blurt out his name like that? That wasn’t even a sentence. SHE DIDN’T ASK!! Abort! Abort! 
Alarms went off in his mind, but he schooled his face into one that he hoped conveyed a cool, calm demeanour. He was sure he just looked like a blubbering fucking idiot.
Angel Face just looked back at him, mildly perplexed, her perfect brows knitted together delicately.
He cleared his throat again. “I’m Azriel. That’s my name.”
Holy fuuuuuck dude just shut up!
She smiled back at him kindly. “I’m Elain. It’s nice to meet you, Azriel.”
Azriel’s mind went utterly blank. He was pretty sure he looked mentally deranged right now but how could he possibly function like a normal human being when Angel Face— Elain— had just uttered his name for the first time ever. So casually. Azriel. Like it belonged on her lips. Like she had wrapped her tongue around the L many times before. He couldn’t wait to hear her say it again. He wanted her to say it for the rest of his life.
Just then, the instructors voice boomed across the room, having hooked up her mic to the speakers. Taking a seat back on his bike, Azriel winced.
The bike seat truly was the fucking worst, it felt like it was making its home way too high up his ass. And he felt too big to be allowed, leaning like that towards the handlebars. Were they supposed to be so low? But he was here now, and he was doing this… the shit you do for love.
Fifteen minutes later, Azriel was in agony. Sweat was dripping down his back, and the bike seat had truly set up camp in between his ass cheeks.
Elain barely looked like she had broken a sweat. She was still smiling, somehow still able to sing along to the songs the instructor played at some points.
Another thirty minutes later and Azriel was straight up dying. He was certain blood had been cut off to his nuts, surely rendering him infertile.
Bye-bye kids, the family jewels were crushed when daddy went chasing after mommy. His breathing also rattled embarrassingly. Fuck, he really needed to work on his cardio. 
Elain on the other hand looked radiant. She didn’t sweat, she sparkled. She fucking glistened and looked like the blinding sun after a storm. He looked like the storm. A drowned rat in the storm. That couldn’t breathe. Holy fuck, how did she do this three times a week?
“Good job everyone, up off your bikes and stretch it out!”
The fitness instructor looked way too fucking chipper for someone that had just conducted a forty-five-minute torture session. Azriel’s eyes threw daggers at her as he unstrapped his feet from the pedals and gingerly stood up on shaky legs. His ass felt violated. That was gonna hurt tomorrow.
Grabbing his ankle, he tucked his foot up toward his behind, stretching out his quad, the pull causing a slight wince.
“It’s always hard the first few times,” came Elain’s kind voice from besides him, one foot hooked on the bike seat as she leaned forward to stretch out her hamstring. She bent over her outstretched leg, her body lithe and strong. Her cheeks were delicately flushed from her exertions, her chest glistening beneath a thin layer of sweat. He was going to burst at the seams.
“I admit, I didn’t think it was going to be that hard.” Good job Az. Finally, a full sentence. Albeit a slightly pompous one, but a full one all the same.
Elain chuckled. “Men never do.”
Azriel’s face fell. Fuck, she thought he was a pig. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
“Oh! No! that’s not what I meant, only that— I just assumed. Fuck.” A scarred hand ran through his hair, tugging at the ends as his mind scrambled for the words to make it better.
Elain just laughed again, that light, breezy laugh fluttering over his anxiety. 
“I’m just teasing,” she continued with a mischievous smile, her eyes lighting up with mirth as she reached for her towel and water bottle, preparing to head out.
Panic clawed at his chest; he couldn’t let her get away. Not yet. He’d barely spoken to her. 
“I’ll see you around, then?” He blurted, throwing the question out desperately, like a buoy uselessly floating in the roughest of seas.
Elain glanced at him over her shoulder, her big brown doe eyes wide, a sparkle winking in them like she had a secret.
“I hope so. Have a nice evening, Azriel.”
Her lips lifted into an adorable, crooked little smile before he watched her turn around and walk out of the class. Her svelte curves swayed deliciously, the light sheen of sweat across her skin only adding to her ethereal glow.
I hope so. 
She hoped to see him around.
He smiled. It was worth it. The last forty-five fucking minutes was worth it. She now knew he existed.
I hope so. 
Azriel was on cloud fucking nine.
Rhys was finishing his last three reps when Azriel floated back over to them. Literally floated.
Cassian nudged his brother, nodding his head in Azriel’s direction, and Rhys sat up, both watching their quietest brother make his way back over to them.
Azriel’s hair was dishevelled, beads of sweat running down his temples and his tank top was drenched. Absolutely fucking drenched. But the bastards’ face the epitome of wistful bliss as he wandered over to them at the squat racks where they had continued working out.
Noting his dopey expression, Cassian gave Rhys a disbelieving look, pointing a thumb at Az as he asked, “Do you think she blew him in the locker room?”
Rhys snorted, face lined with mock concern, and waved a hand in front of Azriel’s glassy eyes.
“Honestly, it looks more like he’s been lobotomised. Maybe Angel Face is a neurosurgeon from 1941?”
They only knew Az’s girl as Angel Face, since that’s what he always sighed when she appeared at the gym. The hold this girl had on his brother was something else. It was kind of cute though, he’d never thought Azriel would be the kind of guy to be down so bad.
“Fuck you guys,” Azriel retorted, but it had no bite, a goofy grin spreading across his face. Cassian had never seen him so…giddy. It was fucking hilarious.
“Did you ask her out, then?” Cassian prodded, growing impatient and needing to know what had happened.
“Her name is Elain,” Azriel stated, like it was the most important thing in the world. This fool was truly on another planet right now.
“And?” Rhys prompted, hoping for something juicier than her name.
“And she said she hopes she sees me around.”
Cassian and Rhys both groaned, turning back to their workout, clearly resigned to the fact that they won’t be getting any exciting news today.
Azriel just smiled.
Elriel month tag list:
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sirenarts · 2 years ago
Begging you
This is a fic based on elriel, not every relationship is perfect however, this is just a modern story with elriel and overcoming harsh relationships.
Before you read this fic, I want to clarify somethings. This story contains drug use and drug abuse, use of alcohol and mentions of it. Violence and physical abuse. Mentions of forced sex and assault. I will not force anyone to continue reading this. However, there will be warnings through out the story. Some of these events are moments I personally experienced. And as a we to get past some hurdles, I find that expressing out what I felt often releases some pain of it. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable, a more friendlier and cleaner version of this will be shared. However if you are comfortable with these topics and do not mind reading them that may continue. Again there will be warnings between some parts as to give a heads up before you continue.
Prom was meant to be a joyous occasion. A time where playing dress up didn’t seem wrong or out of mind. Elain had loved it really. It gave her an excuse to wear a pretty dress and feel more like a woman.
The only problem, was her boyfriend- Grayson. Grayson thorn wasn’t exactly easy to understand. He was a distant cousin to feyres ex, tamlin. He only met Elain through a drunken call his cousin made with his ex. Having seen elain on the screen when she went to hang up the call. She knew that she loved Grayson truly. But as always, she wondered if he felt the same way as she did. The same love that she tried desperately to fight for. Just for him to love her back in obligation.
Elain woke up just early enough to make breakfast in bed for him. They had spent the night. Only watching some movie that he suggested. Before having their usual ‘love feasts’. Which only mattered and worked for him and not her. It was like a ritual. Something he would demand and bring up when he needed the pent up frustration out. Or, just to have a fucking session and get more of him on her body.
Elain wasn’t exposed around him. Some nights she did want to make love. But he had given her the feeling of being dirty, or too lazy to not be touched right. He was a sloppy kisser that would get hard in less than a minute. Screw having an orgasm elain once thought. He would only go as far as he needed to for his release. Never stopping to bring elain to hers. And never caring if Elain wanted to make it last longer.
She thought this would make things differently. Would maybe change his mindset on sex. She wanted their night to be special. And even read some of Nesta’s detailed romance books. Taking notes on what the females did to bring pleasure better. She carried the tray of breakfast towards the room, stopping to hold it on one arm before pulling down the doorknob. They were home alone and she knew that he’d still be asleep but hungry once awaken.
She was just about to open the door before hearing the sound of someone’s voice. She couldn’t tell whose it was. But she would make out the higher pitch in it. The way the voice squealed when Grayson spoke.
“I can’t wait to see you in your dress baby, I just know it‘ll be perfect.” Graysons voice was dragged out. Making the girl whine and moan as he spoke. Elain couldn’t help but need to hear more. His voice being changed to a whisper as she heard more moans and the sound of him sitting up. She could see through the cracked door that he pulled down his boxers. Placing the phone in front of him before working his hand down his manhood.
Elain let out a gasp before forgetting she was balancing a tray with breakfast on it. Grayson instantly turned and the door was pushed opened more as Elain fumbled with the tray before it landed on the floor. Glass shattered everywhere. The food going all over the floor. And the stinging pain of hot coffee that spilled to cover every inch of her feet. Tears lining Elain’s eyes as she watched Grayson turn red and move to hang up the call.
These next sections have violence, abuse, drug use and forced sex. Please read at your own risk. A more friendly version is being written if you prefer it that way as well. Be safe and always know you have people that can help and love you the way you deserved.💗🩵
“Were you eavesdropping?!” He shouted. The sound made a pit hole in Elains stomach, her gut feeling like a never ending drop as she fell deeper into its embrace.
“Who was that?” Elain stuttered her words. Trying to breathe and not break down in front of him. Grayson only took a deep breathe before running his hand in his hair. “What were you expecting Elain?” He asked her like she was clueless. Elain could only stutter some more on choked up sounds and words as she stepped back. Heading towards her sisters room.
Grayson followed her and eventually reached over to pull her wrist to him. “You didn’t actually think I liked last night, right?” He truly did ask her like she was clueless. But it had all made sense. The times she tried to come to a climax. The times he only kissed her on the lips when he wanted to fuck around and get his cock inside a warm hole. The times he would be furious when she would say he got a text from someone. Always so secretive and hated- hated elain talking to him as if things weren’t ‘ok’.
Another warning, please read if you are comfortable with it. Do not force or continue to read if you don’t want to!
But things weren’t. She could remember the times he went too hard and too fast and too rough with her. The times he forced her out of her classes and pulled her into closets. The times he purposely stretched and scratched her by her clit and thighs and between those sensitive bundles of nerves. Like he dominated her and she was just a clueless girl that liked flowers and loved to bake.
This is the part, please again remember the warnings and read to your own comfort level.
So maybe she did like flowers. Maybe she did love to bake. Though she truly had a passion for both. It wasn’t like Grayson would give an ounce about her interests. No- no! Unless those interests contained elain on her back with her legs pulled apart and a belt slapping her till she was more red than a strawberry. It didn’t interest Grayson one bit.
Elain tried to get out of his hold, but his grip was much stronger than hers. Having pulled her away from her sisters room to only go to their bedroom. Elains room. Grayson pushed through the remanding shards of glass on the way before pulling her inside and slamming the door shut.
“You really thought this was gonna go well?” He asked, cocking his head back as he let out a deep chuckle. The sound felt like he was drunk. Or high. Or both.
“Did you think, I’d lose my little doll?” He spoke with venom on his tongue and stalked towards her. Reaching the center of the room in less than five seconds.
Elain backed away from him as he did his usual taunting. Only this time he made the hurt and heart break so much worse. “Clarie and I have been fucking each other for almost a year. We’ve been dating since I met you and I plan on keeping it that way.”
Warning for drug use, abuse and forced sex. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with these topics.
The words hit her like a train. The familiar name. Clarie- a girl she once saw on his phone. He said she was some cousin of his that wanted to talk and get to know the family more. But I guess they did more than just talk.
Elain was seconds away from letting out a gut wrenching sob. But she could see that Grayson wasn’t acting like himself. Could see that there was a strange redness to his eyes. Could see that on the floor, next to the nightstand, was a bag of pills. All different colors and shapes and sizes. But some she could easily make out. Some she new to be his anti psychotic meds.
“Gray-“ was all she could get out before a hand reached around and pulled her down on her knees. The sting from the impact had her yelp in pain. A small muffled cry that barely escaped her words before a thick and warm body was shoved in it.
“You’re going to learn what a dolls purpose is. They just stand there to look pretty and fuckable. Isn’t that right doll? Aren’t you pretty and fuckable?”
Some alcohol use and drug use are mentioned in these next few paragraphs. Along with violence. Again please do not continue if you are not comfortable.
His words were ringing sounds in her ears. Her head trying to make out the words. Barely audible through the gagging she tried to get passed. The impact at first stung. It was hot and fast and out of no where. She knew Grayson never liked putting it there- in a girls mouth. But this wasn’t him. This wasn’t his usual standoff-ish way. And surely wasn’t the Grayson she thought she knew.
This Grayson had been taking his meds with other pills. Mixing them with alcohol she could make out to be whisky. The back of her head hit the wall. There was something sharp and it implied itself into her skin. She felt the hot trickle of blood slide down the back side of her neck.
Her vision cutting in and out like a tv with static. She felt him yank her head more. Bobbing her harder and harder. keeping her from blacking out. But most importantly. Shutting her up.
Elain tried to desperately claw her nails in his thighs. Getting anywhere that would break his focus and pull back. But the moment would soon end when the sounds of car doors slamming were heard from outside. Elains neighbors, a couple from her school, returned from their trip.
She pleaded that the noise was loud enough for them to hear. But Grayson pulled back and out, only to grip her throat tightly, planting his foot and leg between her thighs and gritting words In her ear. “The only reason we are still together, is because of how fucking good you feel when I take you. All of this-
He grabbed her breast and squeezed it harshly. “Everything on your body-“ he ran a hand down her stomach and into her shorts.
“Belongs to me and only me. My relationship is still mines to keep. But when Claries not here, I get to have you. And I get to have fun.”
He pulled back his hand before tightening his fingers to a fist and aiming straight for her lower stomach. He punched Elains stomach so hard that she could feel blood coming up her throat and into her mouth. All of it pooling around before she could cough it up and cry out in pain.
Grayson covered her mouth with his hand. Pushing his other into the spot he hit. Forcing more blood to come out and watching her choke on it. “You always looked good in red, no wonder I had those roses put in your room for your birthday.” He said with a smirk before peeling his hand off and licking the blood that spilled out. Gently caressing her cheek and giving her a kiss. A deep kiss that made her body too weak to get any air in. Her lungs screamed in pain when she tried to push him back. But he only lifted his head up some more before kissing her forehead.
He held her against his arms and let them both slide down to the floor. Watching as she tried to stay awake. He simply rocked her back and forth before murmuring one last thing to elain before she blacked out. “If you let anyone know about this-even your sisters-I will punish you harder next time. And if you try to leave or break up? Just know that no shitty paper will keep you from me.”
If you have made it this far, I do hope that you could understand a little on the story. Although I am not the best writer, I put own personal experiences into to this to just show that no relationship is perfect. You are loved dearly and I hope you feel happy and safe everyday for eternity.
Elain had slept the entire day. She could barely hear anything from the pounding headache she had. Elain felt what seemed to be dried blood in her nose. The metallic taste still lingering when she tried to swallow.
Her throat was dry. And felt horse. She attempted to pull herself forward. But that quickly failed when she saw the black dots and stars go across her vision. There was a pair of hands that held elain steady. Nearly jumping out of her skin at the contact. She tried to move but couldn’t even lift herself up. It was just before she saw whose hands it was. She recognized the beautiful and ornate tattoos. The small matching ring to go with it.
“Fey-“ Elain tried to speak out. Her voice rasped as the sound came off more like a broken smoker.
“Elain it’s me, it’s feyre. You’re safe and you’re free. You’re free elain. You are free.” Feyres words ringed inside Elains head before she slumped into her little sisters arms. The only comfort she took from it. Was knowing that those arms weren’t the man’s she thought had loved her back.
A couple days had passed. Elain was admitted into Velaris National Hospital. She had been here the last week. Mostly asleep and dehydrated. The doctors had informed her sisters and brothers about what had happened. Elain suffered from internal bleeding. There were three fractured ribs, one of which broke farther than the rest, and had hit her against another rib. There was severe swelling to her neck, head and chest. Not to mention her throat. The doctors said that the blood that managed to get trapped inside her throat, had gone into her windpipe. Making it harder for them to put a tube in.
It was feyre that found her. Her little sister returning home from an exhibition. She noticed that the driveway looked a little off. The tire marks gave the sense that whoever left, had gone without a care.
Then when she went inside, she saw the little droplets of blood on the staircase. She had rushed up to Elains room, calling out her name multiple times before stumbling over a small bit of glass. When she found there was blood on it, she looked up to see elain laying down on the floor unconscious. The room was roughly cleaned. But the indent in the wall made the matter far worse. Feyre had quickly called for help before calling nesta and her brothers.
The moment they arrived was when the paramedics loaded her inside the ambulance. Azriel was the one to jump out of the car. Slamming into the ground and rushing to get to the van. Even after the paramedics told him he couldn’t go with her. They eventually gave in. He pulled off his necklace, a cobalt steel flower, and clipped it to Elains wrist like a bracelet. All while the people inside starred at him curiously. Azriel wasn’t going to let her go alone.
Once she arrived to the hospital, they told her family to wait. Feyre was held tightly by rhys, he tried to keep her up right as she cried. Nesta was barely hanging on as cass held her hands. He could only pray that his little rose bud would make it.
Then there was azriel. Who stood watching as the doctors took her away. He kept mumbling words, barely a whisper. Enough for his own ears alone to hear. “I’m begging you Elain, please live, please fight to live.” He cleared his throat multiple times. Grabbing onto the closest thing he could find. Rhysands shoulders.
His older brother gripped azriel just in time. He nearly sank into the floor, gripping onto the bracelet of rose gold steel around his wrist. Praying to any and every god that was out there. Begging them to make her live. Azriel knew he couldn’t date elain. Knew that his childhood crush turned into the love of his life. And even when she dated Grayson, he was always the shoulder elain would go to when her boyfriend treated her unfairly. When elain felt like that world was being cruel and unkind. Azriel was always there. Waiting patiently, praying that Grayson would realize how much of dick he was.
Elains family knew how Grayson turned out. Once rich and preppy, became an alcoholic and drug addict. It was so bad that he nearly drove him, his cousin tamlin, and Feyre into a ditch. All while being higher than a kite.
A few hours passed and all Elains family could do was wait. Stay close by, and pray that she would wake up soon. They didn’t put her under a coma. But her body had been under so much fear and pain and stress. It started shutting down every time she had a little energy.
The only thing elain could give to her family. Was a gently squeeze against Azriels hand.
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swankii-art-teacher · 2 years ago
for your prompts of 500 words or less Azriel given his wedding vows to Elain, thank you!
A/N: Thank you for this prompt! I hope you enjoy the fluff. :) This is more than 500 words...but I got the idea and ran with it. Warnings: Language Modern AU. The night before the wedding. Elriel.
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It was the night before Azriel's wedding and he was sitting alone in his apartment, staring at his vows.
Which were unfinished.
He had an hour before his brothers came to claim him for a night of debauchery, and his anxiety was growing with every second that passed.
He knew what he wanted to say to Elain.
Yet, he couldn't find the words.
He had never been the best with his words, had always found panic when trying to voice his emotions. His childhood had convinced him that keeping his emotions at bay was the right way to live, and even as he grew and realized that wasn't so, coming to terms with his emotions and sharing them with others was a difficulty.
Which wasn't good when he had to give his vows in less than twenty four hours.
His phone vibrated on his desk beside him, breaking him out of his blank stare.
It was Rhysand. Ready for a night you won't forget? Actually, you probably will forget. You know, alcohol.
Azriel snorted as he shook his head. I'll be designated driver. Don't want to show up to my own wedding hungover as hell.
Cassian chimed in on the group chat. Pretty sure it's against the law to be the designated driver at your own bachelor party.
He knew his brothers would oppose, but he didn't want to be a mess for Elain, even though a drink was tempting in his current state. Tomorrow was a big day. Give me an hour to finish my vows, then come get me.
Rhysand texted back instantly. ....You haven't finished your vows? Shit.
Cassian chimed in soon after. Pretty sure Elain had them done months ago.
Azriel grimaced as he stared at his phone. I'll get them done. One hour. See you then.
He could even sense his panic in that text, the lie that it told, but he set his phone aside nonetheless and looked back down at his laptop.
So far, the document in front of him read: Elain, I love you.
Those weren't vows. That was a statement that she knew fully well, considering he was marrying her.
With a groan, Azriel's head fell into his hands. Maybe his brothers were on to something. Maybe a little liquid courage would do him some good. After a deep breath, Azriel found his way to his liquor cabinet and found his half-empty bottle of whiskey. He downed a shot, then another, before finding his way back to his desk.
Alright, he thought. Vows.
He stared at the document.
It stared back, tauntingly.
"Fuck," he muttered, although the word was loud in the silence of his apartment. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
He'd just pounded his hands on his desk, the whiskey not having helped with his frustration, when a knock sounded on his door.
It hadn't been an hour.
It hadn't even been ten minutes.
His brothers were too early and now the panic was really settling in.
With a groan, Azriel strode to the front door and flung it open.
Only to be staring into the eyes of his fiance.
Azriel froze, his entire body going stiff. He blinked. Elain lifted a brow. He cleared his throat. "What the hell are you doing here?"
Elain laughed quietly, shaking her head. "Ah, that's what every woman wants to hear from the mouth of her soon-to-be husband."
Azriel shook his head as he rubbed his temples. "No, I know, sorry...I just...thought you were out with your sisters."
"They're coming to my place in a while," she said, with a small smile on her lips. "But Cass just texted me saying that you're in a bit of a panic, so I came to check in on you."
Azriel frowned, not realizing he had seemed that much in a panic mode in his texts. "But it's bad luck."
Elain shook her head, amused. "It's only bad luck after midnight," she promised. "It's still the night before the wedding. No bad luck here." She stepped past him and he shut the door behind her with a defeated sigh. "What's going on? You're not having cold feet, are you?"
Azriel looked taken aback, appalled at the idea. "No. Of course not. I just..."
Elain dropped her keys on his kitchen counter before turning to face him. "What?"
Azriel ran a nervous hand through his hair and refused to look at his fiance as he said, "I'm having trouble finishing my vows."
A long silence followed. It stretched on for so long that Azriel finally looked up at Elain, to find her watching him intently.
"I know, you're probably pissed that I haven't finished them-"
"I'm not mad," she said, gently, and stepped towards him. "Why haven't you said anything?"
He shrugged as she stopped in front of him. "I don't know. It's embarrassing." Elain opened her mouth to protest, but he went on. "I don't want you to think that I don't love you because I can't write my vows. Because I do. So much. I can't imagine my life without you. And the fact that I get to marry you tomorrow?" He shook his head, taking her hands in his. "You are everything that I've ever wanted, and I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I've wanted to marry you since the day I met you."
Elain's smile was soft as she brushed her thumbs along the sides of his hands. "Yeah?"
Azriel nodded, and leaned down to kiss her, softly. "I know I'm not good with words, but that has nothing to do with how ridiculously in love with you I am. I can't wait to start a life with you tomorrow. I can't wait for all the adventures we're going to have, just the two of us, and someday when we start a family..." He kissed her again. "I can't wait, Elain. I never want you to doubt how much I love you, even when I can't find the words. I have never loved anyone like I love you. Not even close."
Elain leaned up on her toes and took Azriel's face in her hands, bringing his mouth to hers. They kissed slowly, deeply. When they broke apart, she ran her fingers through his hair. "I think you just wrote your vows."
Azriel frowned, running his hands down her lower back. "I barely said anything."
Elain laughed, quietly. "You said plenty. You said everything I've ever wanted to hear."
Azriel narrowed his eyes as if he didn't quite believe her, but he kissed her again nonetheless. Their kiss soon deepened, and he carried her to the couch, completely ignoring the fact that his brothers would be there soon. When a knock came to his door once more, their clothes were strung across the living room and Azriel was making much better use of his time than getting drunk off his ass.
Although his vows the next day came out awkward and uncomfortable, neither he nor Elain seemed to mind. She knew exactly how he felt, and she knew every word that he truly wanted to say.
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whatisamettafor · 4 days ago
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Modern Azriel is some kind of pretty tech nerd IT guy at Scientist Elain's lab.😂
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lunaatthezoo · 2 months ago
The Light Between Sin & Salvation: Chapter 8
She's not quittin.
Chapter 8: Ache
Summary: Azriel is not okay. Rhysand takes care of his brother. Az opens up to Nesta. We have an AU potatoes moment. Preview below!
CW: Depictions and discussions of self-injurious behavior and manifestations of mental illness. Nothing too horribly graphic, but please proceed with care.
This is a tough one guys, sorry.
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“We were celebrating my birthday,” she said, the tears breaking free. 
And then she stepped into the building and slammed the door in his face. 
FUCK. Fuck. Fuck.
He was so close. So close to having everything he fucking wanted and never deserved with her. And he doused it all in gasoline and lit it on fire. 
On her motherfucking birthday. 
Az stood on the porch of the building holding in a roar of frustration and anger and self-hatred and desperate fucking loneliness and overwhelming need for the woman he had just so thoroughly pushed away. 
His fists clenched and unclenched. He needed to fucking break something so he wouldn’t drive his car into the river with himself in it. 
He turned around stiffly and stalked onto the sidewalk, looking up to see that Elain’s curtains had been closed. A knot formed in his throat. 
An inhuman growl ripped from his chest and he strode down the street, leaving his car where it was. 
He walked in the frigid air, lungs burning with ice, until he found a deserted alley with a lone, decommissioned telephone pole in it. This would do.
@julesvanslutta @elrielobsessed
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duskandcobalt · 5 months ago
Everywhere, Everything: Chapter Eight
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Chapter Summary: Back in the same city once again, Azriel and Elain are no longer able to ignore what's simmering between them
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: smut. just smut. (18+ pls and ty)
Missed the first seven chapters? You can find the Masterlist for this fic here 🥰
A/N: hello again friends, i'm baaaaack :)
Once again, I must begin by saying thank you for all your lovely comments and messages on my fics and on my wip wednesday posts because they truly keep me going 💕 I hope you enjoy this next installment.
Read on AO3
Azriel couldn’t keep his foot from tapping against the linoleum floor of the Velaris airport as he kept an eager eye on the escalator that descended into the tiny arrivals hall. 
He’d picked Elain up from this airport a number of times when she’d gone on work trips or holidays with her sisters. But he’d never picked her up like this - waiting for her inside instead of on the curb. Waiting for her with this new situation between them ever present in the back of his mind just as it had been ever since the morning after Christmas when they’d unexpectedly gotten a little too carried away in his workshop.
He had the thought that maybe he should’ve brought some flowers with him today - if only to have something to do with his hands because right now he couldn’t decide whether to keep them in or out of his pockets and so he’d been fidgeting like a madman for the last fifteen or so minutes. It was a wonder airport security hadn’t confronted him for suspicious behaviour. 
The issue with bringing flowers was that they were headed straight to Nesta and Cassian’s house for the long weekend and the thought of explaining why he’d bought Elain flowers to her brother-in-law was enough to give him a headache. 
He’d already received a look from Rhys when he’d volunteered to pick her up under the pretence that it would make life easier for him and Feyre but maybe he’d been too eager given the speed with which he’d offered when they’d been discussing the logistics for this weekend. 
But Azriel couldn’t have possibly kept his cool. Not when the last time he’d seen her in person he’d had to drop her off at her sister’s house without so much as a kiss on the cheek because Nesta had been standing outside, waiting for her on the porch with a look on her face that hovered somewhere between worry and disappointment, as if Elain were a wayward teenager who’d snuck out for the night. 
It’d been months of separation and now she was once again back for her nephew’s birthday and though they’d been in near constant contact - texts, phone calls, hours spent on Facetime each evening - he couldn’t wait to see her again and he was desperate for a bit of time alone with her - even if it was just the forty five minute drive from the airport to Nesta’s house on the outskirts of town. 
Azriel raised up on his toes and then back down again - made note that perhaps he’d been spending too much time with Feyre because he’d clearly picked up that nervous habit from her - and then focused his attention back to the escalator again just in time to see a girl with brown hair cascading over her shoulders, a bright smile on her cherry red lips, and pretty eyes that were already set on him. 
There were no words for the way that first glimpse of her made him feel. No possible way to describe the rush he felt in his chest or the anxious itch of his palms. For all the slack he caught for keeping his feelings to himself and hardly ever letting his emotions show on his face, now his cheeks actually hurt from the way he was grinning as Elain not so casually rushed across the floor to him before abandoning her bags and launching herself into his arms. 
He caught her easily, lifting her up with his arms wrapped tight around her middle - savouring the feel of her hands as they wove through the strands of his dark hair. 
“Hi,” Elain giggled, resting her forehead against his. 
“Hi, Lain,” Azriel smiled back, carefully setting her back down on her feet so he could move his hands from her waist up to her face, tilting her chin up to him before he lowered his lips to hers. 
He felt the momentary hesitation, the bit of slight shock. He thought for a split second that maybe he’d pushed his luck with her, taken it too far, but the feeling was short lived because he soon felt her relax in his arms, melting into the kiss - melting into him. He knew what would’ve been going through her head. Knew that she’d paused for a moment because they’d never had this before - the chance to be so open, to put on such a display of affection where anybody in their small town could see them.
“Missed you,” she whispered against his lips, suddenly shy. Her face was flushed, eyes shimmering as she pulled back and looked at him. 
“Missed you, too.” Azriel whispered back, pecking her cheek once more for good measure. “Ready to go?” He asked, waiting for her nod of confirmation before reaching for her suitcase with one hand and taking her hand in the other because he simply couldn’t keep from touching her in some small way. 
The walk to the car was quick, quiet words exchanged about the flight as they walked - turbulent to start but otherwise fine. He knew how much she hated landings and so he’d given her hand a squeeze when she relayed with a small laugh the way she’d gripped the armrest, wishing he’d been there to hold her hand instead. 
There’d also, much to his chagrin, been a slight moment of embarrassment when Azriel started his car only for music to start blaring from the speakers - a bass heavy club track with female vocals that featured on his rotation of music he listened to whilst at the gym. He’d been listening to it on the way to the airport at top volume to keep his mind distracted.
Elain had looked over at him, a teasing grin on her lips and one sharp eyebrow raised as he sheepishly lowered the volume and quickly picked up his phone, switching to an indie folk song that was more indicative of the style of music he typically listened to throughout the day. “I see your club rat days aren’t completely behind you, after all.” 
Azriel chuckled as he threw an arm around her headrest and put the car in reverse, looking over his shoulder as he backed out of the parking spot. 
“Only within the constraints of this car and the gym, I’m afraid.” 
“Shame… I was hoping to see you with some glow sticks in hand again. It’s been awhile.”
Azriel shook his head at how much amusement she was getting out of this moment. He’d had a reputation in his college days for enjoying a good night out and while Elain had only witnessed him in his prime party days a couple of times, she’d never let him forget it. “Don’t worry, I keep the glow sticks in the glove compartment and pull them out at red lights to entertain myself sometimes.” 
“Very funny,” Elain rolled her eyes, settling into her seat and looking out the window as she quietly hummed along to the song that was now playing. 
Azriel watched her out of the corner of his eye, enjoying having her as a passenger in his car once again, happily chattering away about what they’d been up to and what this weekend had in store for them. It wasn’t until they were on the last five or so miles to their destination that he noticed how quiet she’d gotten a little over halfway into the drive, the conversation dying down into what he believed to be a comfortable silence. 
But the more the silence continued, the more suspicious he got.  He’d caught her twice now not-so-subtly sneaking long glances at him while she fidgeted with her necklace and shifted repeatedly in her seat, legs crossing and uncrossing as if she couldn’t get comfortable. It was dark out but he could just about spot a little crease between her brows - a dead giveaway she had something on her mind. 
He’d just opened his mouth to ask about it when she looked over at him. 
“Could you pull over?”
“What?” Azriel frowned, looking over at her as he slowed down, approaching the end of the long, dark road they were on. “Are you okay?” 
His own forehead creased in concern as he scanned her from head to toe. He didn’t know what he was looking for, could barely even see her properly now that the sun had fully set behind the mountains. 
“Yeah, I’m fine… I just… I… can you turn down here?” Elain gestured to the left where the paved road turned to dust and gravel - no street lights to be seen. They were supposed to go right and over the train tracks before turning into Nesta and Cassian’s neighbourhood. 
Azriel turned left as directed, driving a little further down the road before pulling to the side and putting the car in park. He twisted in his seat to face her, the dim lights from the dashboard doing little to help him see her.
“Lain, what’s wr-,” Azriel didn’t get a chance to finish his question because Elain was unbuckling her seatbelt and was halfway over the centre console of his car a second later - her lips fused to his neck, her hand skimming the waistband of his jeans. 
“Can we,” her hand slid along his jaw, turning his face toward hers. Her lips were inches from his. “Please, Az. Let me…”
The other hand that settled low on his waist slid down further, fingers gently palming him where his body had begun to catch on far quicker than his mind. 
“Fuck,” Azriel let out an involuntary groan, his hips keening upwards into her touch. “Jesus, Lain…here? Now?”
“Mhm,” she nodded, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. She breathed in the scent of him, tracing a path with her mouth to his ear where he felt her teeth just barely graze his ear lobe. “Been thinking about it all day long… this whole drive, on the plane, when I was at home. Want you in my mouth.”
Azriel cursed again under his breath, so caught off guard by her uncharacteristically brazen words to even notice that she’d undone the button and zipper of his jeans until he felt her fingers wrap around him, lightly dragging up his quickly hardening length. Just a tease of a touch that had him breathless.
He shouldn’t be surprised that she was acting like this - so out of her mind with the need to have him that she’d gone as far as to make him pull over when they were mere minutes away from seeing her family.
She’d been so eager a time or two on those late night calls, after all. Had only vaguely pretended to be shy when after hours of exchanging increasingly salacious texts, he asked if she’d undress for him. She’d nodded, a pretty blush creeping up her neck as she slowly took off her clothes and propped her laptop between her legs, dutifully following his instructions - lower, slower, yes, just like that… good girl -  until she was coming for him, rapid breaths, his name muttered into her pillow, the light from her computer screen casting her perfect skin in hues of blue.
“Come here,” he groaned, suddenly impatient, overcome with the need to have her - wanting to give her what she was begging for. He unbuckled his own seatbelt and pushed his seat back as far as it would go, helping her over the console and onto his lap, chuckling when her ass hit the horn. She maintained her focus, kissing him once, twice, then shifting down - squeezing herself into the space between his legs, her knees on the floor of the driver’s side, her hands on his thighs, her lips tracing a path around the head of his cock. 
It was like something out of a wet dream. It was every filthy fantasy he’d ever had. Elain on her knees, signature deep red lipstick staining his skin like a map of all the places her lips had explored. Heavy lidded eyes watering as she took him into her mouth - deeper, then deeper still, until he felt the back of her throat, heard the soft choking sound of her taking just a bit too much.
“Careful,” Azriel whispered, gathering her long hair in his fist and holding it back so that it stayed out of her way and gave him the view he was after.
Elain drew back, taking a deep breath as she smiled up at him - eyes glazed over with lust. “I’ve wanted you like this for so long,” she dragged her tongue over his head, her fist tightening and twisting around him. “For years.”
“Yeah?” It’s all he could manage because she was back to it, that torturous mouth making him see stars. The way she hummed around him in confirmation brought him right to the edge. Only a few minutes and she already had him there, thighs tensing as he tried to hold back just a second longer. “Elain… I’m gonna,” he tried to warn her. Tried to give her the option. But she kept going, nails digging into his thighs, almost smiling around him as he tugged at her hair so her eyes were focused on his as he spilled into her mouth with a loud groan.
He watched in a daze the motion of her throat as she swallowed, taking everything he gave her in stride until he was completely spent. He released her hair,carefully tucking it behind her ear as she dragged her tongue over him one last time.
Azriel reached down after she pulled off him, thumbing at her full bottom lip - now slick with spit. “This mouth… all I’ve been thinking about is your mouth. These lips, that lipstick - thought about it on my cock.”
“Hope I lived up to your expectations,” she smiled, shy once again.
“Exceeded them,” he slipped his thumb further between her lips, shaking his head when she playfully dragged her teeth over the pad of it as if she just couldn’t help herself. He had to pull back, keep his hands to himself before he abandoned all plans and hauled her into the back seat of his truck to return the favour.
Elain pressed small kisses to his thighs and his chest as she did her best to make him presentable again before settling back on his lap with her arms around his neck, her face once again tucked into his neck. “Thank you.”
Azriel couldn’t help but laugh as he leaned back to look at her, hands cupping her face. “Think I should be thanking you.”
She shook her head, smiling at him. “Needed that.”
All he could do was grin at her stupidly, tracing her cheeks and then her lips, before he kissed her. Slow. Deep. In no rush. 
To hear that she wanted him like that, needed him… he could almost come again just from the thought of her feeling that way. He was so in over his head, so deeply gone for her.
“Az,” she swallowed, biting down on her lip. “We should go… before the girls send a search party.” 
“You’re right,” he nodded, hands squeezing her ass once more before helping her back over the console and into her seat. He righted himself, readjusted his seat, and turned the engine back on. He started driving back towards the train tracks - his hand on her thigh, a satisfied smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The memory of a moment on a dirt road now a secret just between them - nothing but the stars in the night sky as their witness.
It was downright filthy the way Elain felt about him. Filthy the way she walked into her sister’s house knowing her lipstick was on Azriel’s body, crudely smeared under his jeans. Filthy, the way she could still feel his fingers threaded through her hair - the gentle tug of his fist until her eyes were on him so he could watch as she swallowed. Filthy the way she wanted to avoid eating or drinking if only to keep the taste of him in her mouth just a little bit longer. 
She’d wanted it from the second she’d gotten ready for the airport, slipping on her favourite underwear while imagining him taking it off her. She’d wanted to make him feel the way he’d made her feel a time or two now - knew that he wouldn’t be keeping count but still, she’d been itching for it and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold out as soon as she first spotted Azriel upon arrival at the Velaris airport. It was a miracle she’d even lasted that far into the drive. It was even more of a miracle that she’d been able to stop after all was said and done considering that now, hours later, there was a persistent ache between her legs the begged to be attended to. 
Arriving at Nesta’s house had been a much needed distraction. She’d checked her appearance in the visor mirror just to make sure there wasn’t any incriminating evidence of what they’d done lingering on her skin and then climbed out of the car just in time for the front door to swing open and her nephew to appear at the top of the stairs, shouting her name in excitement. 
From there, she’d been dragged into the house - taken on a tour of the toys and books he’d forced his parents to drag along for the weekend - before he finally handed her over to the adults when the excitement faded and the sleepiness took over. 
She was happy to be back in this house with her favourite people. It was so different from the last time she’d been here, when Graysen had been glued to her hip, his eyes carefully keeping track of her every move. The last time she’d been here, she’d told Azriel that they couldn’t be friends - at least not like they had once been. 
She couldn’t believe just how much had changed in such a short span of time. She couldn’t wrap her head around just how differently everything had panned out. Now she was back in one of her favourite places, no overbearing boyfriend in sight. And yes, she and Azriel weren’t friends, certainly not like they had once been. But it was true in a much different way than she’d anticipated and she couldn’t possibly be happier about it. 
It had been so easy to fall back into old patterns with him - the comfortable ease of their long friendship rekindled as if the year or two of limited communication had never happened. But while those first few weeks after Christmas were just like old times - friendly conversations talking about everything and nothing - at some point their daily phone calls escalated, certain things slipping out with the darkening of the sky and a couple glasses of wine. 
They’d sp0ken about their situation a few times over the phone. She’d confided in him about Graysen - about the mistakes made and the lessons she’d learned. About her hesitancy to jump straight into another relationship. So they’d agreed to keep things casual, to not label anything just yet. Still, it was evident by the constant tension between them, that they were undeniable more than just friends.
Perhaps that should’ve been obvious, given that the last time she’d seen him in person he’d had his head between her legs and it would’ve gone further had Nesta not rudely interrupted. 
She’d hated leaving him like that and had been so eager to see him afterwards but the New Year's rush had been hard to avoid at work for both of them and so they’d ended up agreeing to see each other when she visited for Nyx’s birthday - and to keep this new development just between them- until they could plan their next steps. 
That’s how they ended up in this house - Elain unable to look Azriel in the eye for more than a few seconds while surrounded by their family and friends without thinking of everything she wanted to do with him. She’d been more than happy to entertain Nyx and to help prep dinner. To do absolutely anything that would keep her busy so that she didn’t have time to think about the way she could feel him sneaking looks at her every time they were in the same room. With the distraction of other people, she could push aside the desire coursing through her for just a moment. 
Somehow, Elain had made it through the night successfully. She hadn’t raised any suspicions. Had managed to interact with him in a way that was just the right amount of friendly. But now, laying in the bedroom she always stayed in at Nesta’s house, all she could think of was him. Of what they’d done in the car on the way here just three or four hours ago. 
She wanted him again. Wanted his hands on her body. Wanted his tongue in her mouth. Felt like she needed him in a way that was borderline embarrassing. 
She picked up her phone, opening their text thread. She typed and deleted multiple messages before locking her phone and putting it face down on the nightstand. It felt too desperate to text him like that. Juvenile almost. But it was torture - each shift of her legs, the soft touch of the sheets, the feel of her t-shirt twisting around her sensitive skin - it all added to her incessant need. Her nipples were hard peaks and there was a thrumming low in her core that was becoming impossible to ignore. She’d never in her life felt frustration like this, pinpricks of sweat gathering at her hairline. 
She knew this wasn’t something that she’d be able to work away herself like she did when she was alone at home and desperate for him- in bed, her fingers stroking between her thighs.
Elain sat up, swinging her legs over the side of her bed. She needed air. A glass of cold water. And if she walked by his room… if she happened to see the glow of a light underneath the gap in his door, then that would be the sign she needed. Maybe then she’d knock. And if he happened to be awake, if he happened to open the door, then she’d feign ignorance - was just going to the kitchen and saw your light was on… 
With her mind made up, she slipped on her robe and padded to the door with the intention of venturing to the kitchen but she didn't make it far at all, pulling the door open only to almost walk face first into the solid wall of Azriel’s chest.
“Oh,” she swallowed, dragging her eyes up to his face. 
He looked just as dishevelled as she felt, his hair tousled as if he’d been running his hands through it. 
“I was just going to the kitchen because I needed some -”
“Save it,” he shook his head, voice low as he stepped towards her, forcing her to retreat back into her room. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything, too distracted by the look of determination in his eyes as twisted her around and quickly closed the door behind them.
Her entire body sparked to life, burning as he reached for her again, both hands firm on her hips until she was completely pressed up against the door with nowhere to go, his hips flush against hers, not even a single inch left between them. It was that movement that made her snap out of the daze, it was the feel of him hard and heavy against her stomach that left no room for questioning what he was here for or that his intentions matched exactly what she’d had in mind while she’d been tossing and turning in her bed. 
Azriel wasted no time, hands deftly undoing the tie of her robe, reaching up to slip it off her shoulders until it fell to their feet. His fingers were under her t-shirt a moment later, fingertips skimming the soft curve of her breasts. 
“Az, wait…” Elain breathed, trying to put a bit of space between them if only to clear her head a little. “Feyre and Rhys…”
“Don’t wanna hear names that aren’t mine right now,” he said gruffly, rolling his hips against hers.
“It’s just that they’re right next door. I share a wall and they could hear…” 
Azriel only smirked down at her, thumbs circling her sensitive nipples. “Guess you’ll just have to be quiet then won’t you. Do you think you can manage that?”
She knew he was being smart with her, knew that he remembered just how not quiet she’d been the last time he’d had his hands on  her like this. But her rational brain had seemed to vacate the premises and so instead of offering some sort of rebuttal back, Elain was muttering something like I can be so quiet, I promise I’ll be so quiet as she turned them around, tugging him down towards her and pulling him to the floor. 
“Right here?” Azriel raised an eyebrow, hands travelling up her legs and under the hem of her oversized t-shirt, leaving goosebumps in their path, until his fingers curled into the straps of the lacy underwear she wore.
“Yes,” Elain nodded, not bothering to explain that the headboard would likely be an issue for them. She lifted her hips up to make it easier for him to tug her underwear down her legs. “Here. Now. Need you.” 
“I know,” Azriel soothed, hands pushing her shirt up her torso before lifting it off her head, leaving her sprawled out underneath him - naked on the carpet. “I know, angel.” 
Elain bit down on her lip, watching as he quickly stripped out of his own clothes before lowering himself over her. One big palm was placed on her thighs, calloused hand spreading her wide in a way that would’ve made her blush if she wasn’t so focused on the blissful feeling of his weight settling on top of her and pinning her to the floor.
That same hand maneuvered in between their bodies, fingers easily parting her and slipping through her center - teasing and testing. He cursed under his breath, clearly pleased with what he found there. “You’re so fucking wet already, I think you could take me just like this but I’d like to taste -”
“No,” she shook her head quickly, blindly reaching between them to grip his cock, guiding it to where she was wet and ready for him. “Please.”
The feeling of him settling against her entrance was divine, and her back arched in search for more.
“Wait, fuck.” Azriel stopped all of a sudden. “Condom… they’re in my room. I can just go and…”
Elain locked her legs around him, nails pressed into his shoulder blades to keep him from moving any further away. She couldn’t bear for him to leave. Couldn’t possibly waste one more second with him when they were already so short on time. “It’s okay, I’m on the pill and I haven’t… there’s no one else so if you’re good then I’m good.”
“I’m good, Lain.” Azriel nodded quickly, relaxing a little as he once again situated himself, dragging his cock through her once before he pushed in just the tiniest bit so she could feel that beautiful pinch of initial pressure. “You sure?”
“Yes, fuck, pl-” her words were choked off with a gasp as Azriel pushed into her so slowly, each incredible inch of him sinking into her until there was nowhere else for him to go. 
His lips skated over her jaw until they found her own, kissing her sweetly as he withdrew out almost all the way before sliding in again. “There’s no one else, Lain. Just you.”
“Yeah?” Her eyes fluttered open to look at him as he sank into her. 
“Yeah, that’s how it’s gonna be now. Isn’t that right, angel?” He whispered as he plunged into her over and over again - slow, decadent drags of his cock that had her whimpering beneath him. “Just you for me and me for you.”
“Yes,” Elain nodded frantically, hips bucking up against his, desperate for more.
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” Azriel read her signs and lifted her knee, pushing it up and out to the side, allowing for a deeper fit that had her biting down on her lip hard enough to draw blood. 
“I’m yours. Fuck, fuck, I’m yours.” Elain moaned, lips seeking his mouth for another kiss. 
She didn’t know what had gotten into him but she relished in it. Body growing taut at the suggestion of belonging to him. Maybe it was the distance for him as well, the time spent apart, that had him just as crazed as she had been. Just as feral. 
It was so good. So fucking incredible to have him like this, so deep inside her, making her feel so unbelievably good that she couldn’t even think straight. It was undeniable that this was more than sex. Despite the carnal urge they’d both felt, this had to be more than just physical desire between them. She couldn’t get enough. Wanted even more. 
“Az?” Elain raked her nails up his back, tugging lightly at the hair at the nape of his neck until his eyes were on her. “Will you fuck me?”
She could see the look of confusion in his eyes, the little crinkle on his forehead as if he was trying to figure out if that wasn’t exactly what they were currently doing. It took a second but she could pinpoint the exact moment he caught on to what she meant because his eyes darkened and his lips twitched.
“You want it a little harder, hm? A little rough? I’ll give you whatever you want.” He pulled out of her, kneeling back and nodding as he looked down at her. “Turn over. Get on your knees.”
Elain bit down on the inside of her cheek, nervous anticipation coursing through her as she flipped over as directed. Her hands and knees were on the floor as she turned back to look at him, watching as he knelt behind her, hands kneading her ass . He gave her no warning before lining himself up and pushing into her in one rough, hard thrust - knocking the air clear out of her. 
She hadn’t even noticed that she’d made a noise until his chest pressed into her back, his hand covering her mouth as he nipped at a spot just below her ear. “Thought I told you to be quiet.” 
She loved him like this. Loved the authority. The dominance. The control. She needed it sometimes and she loved that he did as she wanted, fucking her properly without making her feel like any of the other men she’d been with had made her feel in moments like this. Because for each rough movement, there was praise. 
You’re doing so well, angel.  Azriel told her as he gripped her hips hard enough to leave bruises.
You feel so fucking good. As he placed a hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her down into the rug to create the perfect arch of her back.
Look how pretty you look when I’m fucking you. So beautiful when you’re taking me. As he fisted her hair, roughly turning her head until she caught their reflection in the mirror hanging on the closet door beside them.
“Az!” Her voice was muffled slightly by the carpet, her eyes hazy as she watched him fuck her - the measured snap of his hips, the flex of his arms as he gripped her hair, her hips, her ass. He was so strong, so assured in his motions as he easily positioned her just how he liked. 
She hoped and prayed that these walls were solid enough to block out noise because while she was doing her absolute best to stay quiet, there was nothing to be done about the sound of his skin hitting hers each time he fucked into her. Nothing to be done about the sinful, slick sound of his cock sliding in and out of her given how wet she was.
“What is it, Elain?” He asked. “Tell me what you need.”
“More,” she begged. She didn’t even really know what she wanted but she knew she wanted more of him. More of his touch. More of his words. Just more of him. “I’m so… I’m so close, please, I just need more.” 
Azriel slowed his thrusts, pulling gently on her hair until she was up on her knees, her back tight to his chest. Her head fell back onto his shoulder, her lips were on his neck tasting the salty skin there. 
“Feel like you were made for me.” His arms wound around her. One arm snaking up between her breasts to put slight pressure on her throat as he held her up. The other arm drifted down her torso until his fingers found her throbbing clit, his thumb smoothing quick circles there as he continued to push into her with deep, powerful thrusts. She pulsed around him, her stomach pulling tight as her desire reached a precipice with each stroke of his cock and each tap of his thumb. “There you go, Elain. That’s it.”
“So good. You feel so good.” She murmured, so pleased with the intensity this new position brought. “I’m so close.”
“Come for me, baby.” Azriel urged, his thumb still working her beautifully. “Be a good girl for me and come on my cock, Lain. Can you do that?”
Elain made a small noise of agreement, pushing back onto him to match his thrust, amplifying the feeling of him so deep inside her that she felt him in her belly, stretching her in the best way. It was like he was made to fill her. Made to fuck her. 
In the end it was his words that did it - the gentle praise coupled with the rough motion of his hips and his hands. It was Azriel whispering about how well she was taking him that tipped her over the edge. She collapsed back into him with the force of her orgasm, her teeth buried into his neck in a halfhearted attempt to muffle the way she cried out his name.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Ride it out. Take what you need.” His fingers continued to stroke over her, wringing out every last drop of pleasure until she was utterly boneless - absolute putty in his arms as he maneuvered them so that she was on her back again with him between her legs. “Just a little more, okay? I’m right there with you.”
When he dipped down to press his mouth to hers, Elain accepted it greedily as she spread her legs apart and welcomed him in. She was so sensitive, aftershocks of her orgasm still pulsing through her as he entered her again. She savoured the way their tongues slid together, moaning quietly as he lifted her hips and fucked into her quickly until his own hips started to falter. 
“Where do you want it, Lain?” Azriel asked, voice gravelly as he attempted to hold himself together.
“Anywhere. Wherever you want.” Elain told him, meaning every word. He could do whatever he wanted and she’d let him. He could come on her stomach, her breasts. Even her face if that would please him. But there was really only one place that felt right at this moment. One place that caused her to tense around him as if to wordlessly suggest the idea. “Inside me. Come inside me.”
She heard him groan at the suggestion, a string of low curses flying out of his mouth at her words. “Want it inside you? Want me to fill you up?”
“Yes,” Elain wrapped her legs around him, pulling him further into her. Showing him exactly how much she wanted it. “I’m yours, Azriel.”
He said her name as he came, hips stilling as his forehead pressed to her chest. She could feel it, the warm sensation, the jerk of his cock as he gave her everything he had until there was no room left for it all. Elain felt it on her thighs, felt it seep out of where they were still joined. 
“God,” Azriel moaned in disbelief, head still buried against her chest as he attempted to regulate his breathing. “That was…”
“Yeah,” Elain agreed, threading her fingers through his hair as she gently untangled her legs from his waist. He grabbed his t-shirt from where it was laying next to them, dabbing it against her thighs as he pulled out of her - ensuring nothing spilled from her onto the rug beneath them.
There were no words for what just happened. No possible way to summarise everything she felt in that moment. She’d never felt like that before. It was almost too good to be true how unbelievable it was. How incredible he’d made her feel. She couldn’t believe how much time they’d wasted not doing that.
They laid there for ages, neither of them able to find the energy to make it to bed. Instead, Azriel reached up and pulled a couple pillows to the floor along with a blanket, draping it over their naked bodies before pulling her into him. Her breasts against his chest. Her legs entwined with his.
They exchanged kisses in between whispered conversation- slow and heated - hands tracing and grasping until it was inevitable that somehow neither of them were ready to stop. It wasn’t long until Elain was on top of him, breathy moans slipping from both their lips as lowered himself onto his cock, riding him slowly. Grinding against him, taking her time drawing out their pleasure until they couldn’t possibly take it anymore and they both finished with stifled moans. 
“Az?” Elain broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them afterwards, her finger stroking along his jaw as his own fingertips traced soothing patterns down her arm. 
Azriel hummed, sleepy eyes fluttering open. 
It made her heart skip a beat - how beautiful he was like this - sex tousled hair and tired hazel eyes. Lips swollen, the dim moonlight illuminating his sweat slicked, tan skin. He was like a piece of art and she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to be the one to see him like this. To be the one that had messed up his hair and bitten his lips. 
“My necklace,” she forced herself to focus, swallowing nervously before she continued. “I never asked when you gave it to me but I’ve always wondered… the letter on the back…”
Elain trailed off, watching carefully as Azriel tilted his head back further into the pillow sandwiched between his head and the floor. She bit back a smile as a warm flush of colour crept up his neck and seeped into his cheeks. He’d caught on quick to where she was headed with this inquiry and his reaction was enough to hint at what his answer would be. 
“The ‘A’ on the back isn’t for my last name is it?”
“No,” Azriel answered quietly, his hand drifting from her arm. “No, it’s not.”
Her breath hitched in her throat as his fingers smoothed over her sternum, sliding in between her breasts until he reached the pendant. He flipped it over, thumb pressing into the small letter hidden there like a secret.
“Do you engrave your initial onto all the jewellery you make?” She asked.
“You know I don’t,” he answered. The initial signs of embarrassment were gone from his face and in its place was an unabashed, earnest honesty. “That was just for you.”
“You really don’t know, Lain?” He shook his head, tugging on the pendant gently. “I knew I couldn’t have you the way I wanted. Didn’t think I’d ever get the chance… so I thought I’d give you just a little piece of me. I suppose I liked the idea of my initial being right here. Against your skin. Close to your heart.”
As if to punctuate his words, he did just that - pressing the oval into her skin just as she’d done time and time again over the years in an attempt to steady herself in moments where she needed comfort. 
She knew. Of course, she knew that the letter on the back hadn’t really been for her last name. She’d seen the way his eyes fixated on it each and every time he saw her since he’d first put the necklace on her. Noticed the way he’d relax when he saw that she was still wearing it year after year.
It was a relief to know that all this time, what she’d secretly hoped to be true was actually true. 
“You’ve got a possessive streak, huh?” She didn’t know what else to say so she settled for the safe option of making a joke. Everything else that fought to leave her mouth would be too honest. Far too much, far too soon. “All that talk earlier about being yours…”
“I meant it,” he slipped his hand further up her neck, up to her jaw. His hold on her was loose but still, her blood heated with the suggestion behind the action. “We don’t need to put a label on anything. We can keep this quiet, keep it between us. But if we’re doing this then there’ll be no one else. Not for me. Not for you.”
“So we’re doing this, then?” she asked, finally breaching the question that had been hovering between them like a grenade over the past few months. “We’re… exclusive?”
“Yes, Elain.” Azriel laughed, lips hovering over hers as his thumb smoothed over the expanse of her throat. “We’re exclusive.”
She closed the distance between them, her lips pressed to his as Azriel rolled her onto her back and used his knee to guide her legs apart for the third time that night.
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nikethestatue · 11 months ago
Happy birthday to my bestie, my mate, my Elriel sister @tswaney17
I wouldn't have joined this fandom without her. So if anything, blame her! Jokes aside, I hope you have a marvelous year and meet your own stranger in the night. Please enjoy!
One shot
Summary: Elain Archeron is celebrating her birthday and happens to meet an enigmatic and mysterious stranger who upends her world
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She smoothed her black bodysuit over her hips, though it wasn’t wrinkled and then tousled her hair, in what she hoped, was sexy, beachy curls.  
Anyone else would’ve told her that she looked great—well put together, elegant, and not trying too hard. But to her self-critical eye, she saw a slew of imperfections. Hips too wide, breasts too large, stumpy fingers...She could stand here all night and critique herself, but what would be the point? It was what it was, right? Some part of her though, liked what stared back. The black bodysuit hugged her in all the right places, and paired with strappy golden heels and some delicate gold jewelry, she looked...nice. Not quite her 31 years old. Her friends always said that she was a ‘young 30’. She looked about 24. But inside, there were days when she felt 78.  
Oh well. Time to go. That’s not to say that she didn’t want to back out of her solo restaurant trip about 25 times today. Internally, she’s been telling herself that she is too busy, too tired, too poor, and that staying in with a bottle of wine and pizza would be just fine. Another part of her wanted to get out. Even if she looked like a loser, dining alone. At least it was a Wednesday night—not the weekend—so she could theoretically make up a story of being on a business trip. Not that anyone’s going to ask. But she needed that security blanket for herself: “I am eating alone, because I am here on business’. Yeah, that sounded legit. She was a successful, professional woman, determined and confident, and she was on business in Chicago.  
She grabbed her clutch and headed out.  
It was a warm evening by Chicago standards. The middle of April could be blustery or it could be blistering. You never knew. Tonight was lovely, actually. Trees were in full bloom—white, pink, yellow, assertive red, purple, even blue—bursting in flowers of every shape and size along the streets of her neighbourhood.  
Beatrice was a quint restaurant in Fulton Market. Or as ‘quaint’ as a restaurant could be in the bustling, hipster corner of the city. She only knew it because she’d come here before with her stylish, popular co-worker, Morrigan. She recalled how Mor wore a pristine baby blue bodysuit, sky-high heels, and a sparkling silver belt studded with glittery gemstones. Mor’s hair was a waterfall of golden blonde, which cascaded sensually down her back. Her skin was flawless. Her makeup was perfection, and her nails the right shade of pearl. When they were seated, all the girls in the party immediately rattled off a list of things they didn’t eat, were allergic to, and ‘avoided’. Mor announced that she was ‘celiac’ in a tone that implied that obviously she was celiac! And then proceeded to order bread. When the waiter told her that bread has gluten, Mor said that ‘she was allowed to today’.  
Back then, she’d ordered something called the Straight ‘A’ Salad, not wanting to tuck into something juicy and fatty in front of everyone. It ended up being empty and unsatisfying. But she still wanted to go back there, because the other items on the menu looked good, the vibe was nice and not overwhelming, and the drinks were inventive. If nothing else, she’d get her full in alcohol. 
“Follow me, Miss,” the hostess beckoned her and she scurried quickly between tables, wanting to be seated as soon as possible. 
It was nice. The table was by the wall, and she could see inside the restaurant and out the window. She laid her clutch on the table and exhaled. She was here. She was in her place, in her chair.  
She made it. 
“Are we celebrating anything tonight, Miss?” the waiter asked, when he approached with the menu. 
“Oh no,” she laughed, “I am on a business trip.” 
“And do you have any allergies?” 
“No!” she stated decisively. No. She is going to eat what she wanted. No faux allergies for her. 
The drinks menu looked a bit intimidating. Lots of things with Mezcal and Elderflower and words like ‘smoked’ and ‘hibiscus ginger kombucha’. After discreetly googling what kombucha was, she gagged and decided on a Lemond Drop. Safe and sound. 
The waiter wasn’t exactly impressed by her choice, but she didn’t care. Instead, she ordered Cheddar Popovers with bacon butter, and green chili queso for appetizers. It harkened back to her California upbringing, where things were less formal, the food less complicated, and the loneliness less acute. She suddenly and desperately missed her sisters, who lived back home. She missed the sun, tacos, trips to Sacramento and the simpler life she had back home.  
Sighing, she sipped her cocktail and looked around. It was fairly bustling, couples and friends chatting animatedly, drinking their complicated drinks and laughing. But...she felt okay. Not amazing, but okay. It was peaceful.  
It felt peaceful until her eyes fell on a singular, solitaire figure of a man, who sat at the bar, with a drink in front of him. The reason she even paid attention to him was because he was literally breathtakingly beautiful. So handsome, her breath stalled in her chest. Big. So goddamn big, it felt like he was sucking the air into the vortex of a black hole that he’d created just by simply...being. He sat, unmoving, in a sharply cut suit and a white shirt, unbuttoned at his neck. The other reason why she looked at him was because he was staring back at her. Big, bold, unflinching stare. Those incredible, luminescent eyes almost glared at her, and she wished she’d know what colour they were. The man’s face remained impassive, but he continued staring, even once she’s averted her eyes and squirmed in her seat. And now, all she could feel was his stare, following her every move. It was suddenly hot, and she felt her nipples pop like tiny Whack-A-Moles beneath her bodysuit. Served her right for not wearing a bra! Jesus Mary and Joseph. Well, her evening was ruined just like that. Instead of being at peace with her lemon drop and her popovers, she was not being scorched by the gaze of this absurdly handsome man, and all she wanted to do was look his way and see if he was still looking at her. While she didn’t want him to be looking at her. But she wanted to make sure that he was. Oh, god. What. The. Hell. 
She was on the verge of fanning herself, before realising that she’d be looking like she was having hot flashes, and it was too early for that. Her nipples were hard as bullets and she was forced to cover her breasts with her folded arms, just to maintain some sense of decorum. As she ‘busied’ herself with her drink, she snuck a momentary glance at the man. He was still there, but no longer looking at her. Instead, he was on his phone, and a deep sense of regret and longing washed over her at once. 
He was interested in her for 23 seconds.  
That was it. 
But she supposed that for the most handsome man in the world to take notice of her for 23 seconds was sufficient enough. 
“Miss, your popovers,” the waiter stepped up to the table, placing one plate down in front of her, and then the other, “and queso. Please be careful, it’s hot.” 
The food looked fine, but somehow, she no longer felt particularly hungry. She wasn’t sure if it was because the man was no longer looking at her, or because he was looking at her before. Did she want him to look at her? No. No, she didn’t. He was entirely outside her comfort zone, with his piercing gaze and his unnaturally good looks and he was definitely a player, so there was no need for all of this.  
On her birthday, all she wanted was peace and quiet. She didn’t need smouldering men giving her the death stare. Instead, she forced herself to concentrate on her food. The popovers were light and fluffy and crispy on the outside, and the bacon butter was to die for. Sinful, but so, so good. 
She sunk into her seat, enjoying her cocktail and alternating between the popovers and then the rich, spicy queso. She was still deciding on the main course—penne with spicy vodka sauce? Slow cooked short rib?  
Her contemplation was interrupted by the waiter, who was holding a drink. 
“From the gentleman at the bar,” he said and placed the drink in front of her. 
Her mouth fell open. Whaaat... 
Timidly, she allowed her eyes to travel to the bar and sure enough, there he was. Staring. A small, secret smile touched his beautiful mouth and he inclined his head just a bit. She didn’t exactly know how to act in these situations. Was she supposed to drink the drink that he sent? Invite him over? Go over there herself? Ignore him like a total douche? 
Okay, first things first. She raised the pretty coupe glass to her lips and tentatively sipped the drink. Sour and smokey, with a touch of sweetness and heavy on lemon flavour, this was definitely a whiskey drink. And she didn’t like whiskey. But for some reason, she really liked this. She took another sip, a bolder one, and then glanced at the man. He was smiling, as he watched her drink, and when she swallowed, he winked at her. Approving? Enjoying watching her? Smug? Pleased? She wasn’t sure. But she... 
“Ready to order, Miss?” the waiter was back, and she absently said ‘fish tacos’ which isn’t what she even wanted, but she was too scrambled to come up with a better idea. “Very good,” the waiter chirped, and before he disappeared, she said, “can you ask the gentleman who bought the drink to join me?” 
Her throat was dry. Her underarms were sweaty. 
WHAT was she doing?? 
She never did anything like this before? Inviting strange men to eat with her? Never! 
“If he wants to,” she added quickly and the waiter nodded.  
God, please say no. Please. Please god, let him say no. I don’t want it. I don’t. 
There he was. Moving through the restaurant like the Angel of Death. Dark and tall and slim and muscular. Jesus. He was actually coming over! Oh. No. Nononononono. 
And then he was standing at her table, how own drink in hand. 
“I wasn’t sure if Whiskey Sour was the way to go,” he said—his deep, dark, raspy voice matching his appearance to a tee. "But it looks like I did well.” 
She swallowed hard and then muttered, “Is that what it is?” 
Yep, it sounded lame even to her own ears. 
“Indeed,” he confirmed. “First time?” 
Somehow, this made her blush. A simple question, and a correct assumption, but for some reason, it was laced with innuendo. 
Their eyes finally locked.  
Hazel. His eyes are a gorgeous greenish amber colour, spectacular like the rest of him. 
He took a sip of his drink and slowly dragged the tip of his tongue over his lower lip, swiping the droplet and that made her even sweatier than she was before. Soon she was going to be sweating like a sumo wrestler—which of course is the most enticing look a woman could sport.  
“No, I’ve had it before,” she finally managed to answer. 
He smirked a knowing smile. 
“Have you?”  
As he was looming over her and attracting way too much attention from the females of the species, and even some males, she all but ordered him, “you can sit down!” 
He smiled again, that smooth, secret smile, saying, “I thought you’d never ask”. 
She didn’t know what to say to that, so she just watched him in silence as he slid onto a chair across from her.  
“Thanks for the drink,” feeling awfully uncomfortable, knowing she was not great at small talk, and completely out of depth with this man, she thought that this was all a pretty bad idea. What was supposed to have been a quiet and nice evening alone, was turning into...well, she wasn’t sure what it was turning into, but it was something.  
“You aren’t waiting for anyone, are you?” he asked, sounding curious. “I wouldn’t need to fight a boyfriend or something...I mean, I’ll win, but,” 
She huffed, and snorted a laugh. 
“So confident?” 
He shrugged, “pretty confident”. After a pause, he pressed, “so?” 
“No,” she blushed despite her best efforts to appear cool. “I am here alone. On a business trip,” she lied smoothly, grateful for having this little nugget in her pocket.  
He crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, lounging comfortably. Suddenly, he said,  
“Nope. Try again.” 
Startled, she glowered at him, not knowing what he meant. All the while, as she squirmed in confusion, he casually drank his whiskey, watching her closely. 
“What,” she brought her glass to her lips and took a generous swig of the drink, “what do you mean?” 
“Only that you are not being exactly truthful,” he shrugged, and then grabbed a popover and swallowed the whole thing easily. “You aren’t here on any business trip.” 
“What?!” she exclaimed with indignation. “Excuse me! How do you know? What do you mean?” 
His eyes slowly slid over her bare arms, her chest, her neck, and again, she blushed like a fool, but there was no stopping her body’s reaction to this strange man. 
He was...enigmatic.  
“A beautiful woman like you, wearing something so elegant and understated,” 
Understated? Did he mean boring? 
“is not in Chicago on any business trip. So, that makes me think—if you aren’t waiting for anyone, and you are dressed up, then you must be,” he cocked his head, considering, “celebrating something? A new job? A birthday?” 
Most of his words rolled right over her head, because all she heard was ‘a beautiful woman like you’. He thought that she was beautiful? He? HE thought that?  
“What?” she asked dumbly. 
He chuckled, amused. “You are a little naughty liar, is what I am saying,” 
“You can’t call me that!” 
“Then don’t lie to me.” 
She bubbled her lips and finished her drink. Finished already? Shit. 
He noticed it too and motioned for the waiter.  
“Another drink for the lady,” he ordered. “And I’ll take another whiskey. And,” he thought for a moment and added, “bring us a bottle of champagne.” He looked at her and asked, “what are you eating?” 
“I think I ordered fish tacos,” she recalled, watching him in confusion.  
“Want to eat them?” 
“I dunno.” 
“Mind if I cancel them and order us steaks?” 
He did just that, telling the waiter that he’d pay for the tacos as well.  
Who the hell was this guy? He flicked his fingers and just got whatever he wanted. The waiter didn’t even question him! ‘Of course, sir’ ‘Whatever you want, sit’ ‘Right away, sir’.  
“So, is it your birthday?” he asked once the waiter ran to fetch the drinks. Literally, ran.  
His brows knitted together and he pursed his lips. 
Something about him and his look made goose bumps rise on her skin and she shifted under the table, crossing her legs. This guy and his unbelievable dominating bossiness were both scary, but also highly sexual. She knew that she was a bit of a submissive at heart, but that was mostly because she read way too many omegaverse books. But now, she was faced with a true Alpha. When they spoke of an Alpha Male, she suddenly became aware that she was in the presence of one. He wasn’t just tall, dark and handsome—even if he was a walking cliche with all of these attributes. But it was his undeniable, almost God-given natural dominance and superiority that she found so fascinating. And yes, so appealing as well.  
“It’s not your birthday?” he repeated. 
“N-no,” she bleated pathetically. 
He didn’t respond immediately, but only drummed his fingers on the table, and she noticed that his hands were scarred. Rather extensively. Burns, from what she could tell. Jesus. How did he get these? And both hands, too.  
“Lie to me again, and I will take you over my knees and spank that perfect bottom until you beg for mercy,” he warned, his voice impassive, his face unchanged.  
Her mouth dropped open and she thought that she was going to slide under the table and dissolve into a puddle. 
Was she supposed to cause a scene and slap him? Was she supposed to storm out of the restaurant? How does one reacted to being threatened by a spanking by a complete stranger? 
Also, he thought that her ass was ‘perfect’? 
“Let’s start anew, beautiful girl,” he proposed then, while she made silent gasping noises like a dying fish. 
The waiter arrived just then, and only that prevented her from fainting or screaming out loud. He popped the champagne bottle with flourish and poured both of them a measure, while also setting their cocktails down before them. 
“Don’t come back until the food is ready,” the stranger warned the waiter and the man nodded and left without saying a word. 
“What is your name?” 
She swallowed, but remembering his warning, she decided to go with the truth this time. 
“Gorgeous name,” he approved. “It suits you. I am Azriel.” 
“Azriel,” an exotic name for an exotic man. “Nice to meet you. I think?” she ventured and extended her hand to him. 
“Pleasure is certainly all mine,” he said, squeezing her hand in his huge, warm, powerful palm, watching her with strange, almost palatable hunger. “Whether you’ll receive pleasure from me or not remains to be seen,” he decided vaguely and she bit her lip, sensing that innuendo again and not knowing how to deal with it. 
The one time a guy was instantly interested in her, and he is a dangerous weirdo. Figures. Just her luck. 
He raised his glass and said, “Happy birthday, Elain! I hope it’s wonderful to you.” 
“Thank you. That remains to be seen, I think,” she said softly and they touched their glasses. She sucked the champagne quickly, and with a sense of foreboding and some kind of desperation. She had no idea where this was going, or what he wanted from her. But she wanted it to continue. At least for the duration of this dinner. 
“What do you do?” he inquired, dipping a chip into the queso, but instead of eating it, he held it out to her. She looked around, in some kind of futile hope that someone would save her from this, but there was no one. Only this stunning, somewhat insane man, who was feeding her chips and dip. 
“Come on, beautiful Elain. Open up,” he urged soft, his voice smooth and husky and so tempting.  
Numb, and only driven by the sound of that sensual voice, she opened her mouth and he gently pushed the chip inside. As she pulled it between her teeth, he brushed his finger over her lower lip and then brought it to his mouth and sucked. 
“More?” he whispered and then concluded, “more.” 
He dipped another chip and fed it to her again. 
“I am in marketing,” she answered, knowing in advance that hers was the most uninspiring answer in history. But she was more preoccupied by the fact that she was being fed chips by a strange man in the middle of a restaurant. 
“And you live in the city?” he asked further. “Please don’t even start with the whole ‘I am here on business’.” 
She sighed and admitted, “Fine, I am from the suburbs. But I work in the city. What do you do?” 
He didn’t seem too thrilled about her question and took his time eating the last of the popovers. 
“Do you really want to know?” he asked finally. 
“Yes, of course. Why not?” 
“You might not like it.” 
“Why wouldn’t I? What do you do? Kill people?” she joked. 
He smiled at her, but the smile was less of a smile, and more just a stretch of his lips. The smile didn’t reach his eyes 
“And if I am?” he wondered at last. 
She frowned and then it dawned on her and she laughed, “what? You kill people?” 
A shiver ran down her spine and she gawked at him in shock. Until she dissolved in a flurry of laughs. 
“You had me there for a sec!” she wiggled her finger at him. “A+ for a perfect deadpan delivery! I am impressed.” 
He didn’t seem to be laughing, but he added, “but they were all bad”. 
She stopped laughing and nervously shifted in her seat. 
“Wait. What?” 
“You wanted to know what I did for a living,” he reminded her. 
As she processed his words, he just sat there, watching her intently. 
“Oh my god,” she exclaimed at last, realisation dawning on her, “it’s a scam, right?! You are one of those guys who pretends to be an assassin, or a millionaire, or in the CIA and then I fall for it, and in two months you’ll start asking me for money and I blow all my savings on you and then never hear from you again.” 
Shaking her head in disbelief she grabbed her napkin and then said, “thank you for the drink, Mr. Azriel. But I am not stupid. I appreciate the gesture—the razzle dazzle—but let’s part ways right here so that no one leaves here too traumatised.” 
He listened to her impassively and in the next moment, the waiter arrived with their steaks.  
She was hungry and upset, but she knew that she couldn’t stay here any longer and remain in his company. The whole thing was too bizarre and she didn’t want to get in trouble. And this man was clearly trouble. Or maybe troubled. Or both. 
“Azriel, I am,” 
“Sit,” he ordered, though his tone was soft. “You are safe with me. Don’t worry. But you did ask me what I did for a living,” he insisted again. 
“Well, when I did ask you, I didn’t expect for you to tell me that you are some kind of a killer!” she snapped, her voice rising. 
“I’d rather you didn’t yell,” he requested. “However, I wanted to tell you,” 
“Why?!” she exclaimed. “Don’t killers usually try and keep their profession,” she made a quotation mark sign with her fingers, “a secret?” 
“Normally, yes,” he agreed. “But, I want you to trust me and I felt that being honest is the best way to earn that trust.” 
“Trust me? Why? And,” 
“Because I want you,” he interrupted her and his tone was blunt, but calm. 
“I want you,” he repeated. “I saw you and you...well, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And now, I am obsessed with the idea of learning what you’d look like when I enter you. What sounds you’d make when you come on my tongue.” 
At that, the big steak knife fell out of her trembling fingers and she wondered if she was having some kind of out of body experience. An ‘episode’? She wasn’t prone to episodes, but hell, there was a first time for everything, right? 
He shrugged, and continued like this was a perfectly sane conversation they were having, “Sorry if this is a bit unorthodox,” 
An understatement of the century! 
“However, I am not one to mince words,” 
Another understatement of the century. 
“And when I want something, I go after it. And right now, I want you.” 
She made a gurgling sound, but he ignored it, then cut into his steak, and chewed slowly.  
“However, you don’t strike me as someone who sleeps around or who is used to the type of man I am,” 
Was any woman? 
“Therefore, I wanted to build a baseline of trust between us. Like I said, you have nothing to fear from me. I am simply a man, interested in a woman.” 
He was anything but, but okay. 
“So,” she finally found her voice which was lost somewhere in the bottom of her stomach, “telling me you are an assassin is your way of establishing a baseline of trust?” 
He looked at her hand, which was clutching a butter knife, her knuckles white, and smiled faintly. 
“I suppose so.” 
She reached for the bottle of champagne, but her hands were shaking so badly, she could barely grasp it. Smoothly, he took the bottle and topped off her glass. This was probably the worst idea—to continue drinking—but she couldn't think of anything else. 
“Why don’t you relax and eat,” he suggested. “The steak is cooked perfectly.” 
“I don’t think I am hungry.” 
“Nonsense. Lay down your weapon of choice, dig into your dish and relax a bit. Have fun. It's your birthday!” 
He then raised his glass and mused, ‘what should we toast to?” 
“Me remaining sane after this dinner,” she muttered under her breath. 
He laughed.  
“How about ‘to the future’? Because tomorrow with you is worth every yesterday I spent without you,” he said and she almost choked.  
He couldn’t be for real.  
No man talked like that. Ever. 
“Listen, I know I could a little blunt, but in my line of work, I have to move quickly and I typically don’t get many second chances. And I don’t want to miss my chance with you,” he drank his champagne and watched her attempt to concentrate on her steak. “And when I said that you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I am being honest. I saw you across the restaurant and you kind of blew my mind. It happens, you know,” 
“No, it doesn’t,” she argued. “Only in romance novels.” 
“Okay,” he shrugged, “so we have a romance novel beginning, so what?” 
“It’s not real,” she insisted.  
“Well, while you think on that, tell me when I can kiss you, because I’d really, really would like to kiss you right now,” 
“Never!” she shrieked. “Stop talking like that!” 
She desperately needed him to stop talking. Stop using that sensual, deep baritone to say deliciously sinful things to her. Because if he continued, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. She kept trying to shield her breasts from him, since her nipples were achingly sharp, threatening to poke through the top of her body suit. And between her legs—disaster. She was flooded. Every glance at his strong, powerful hands made her wonder what they’d feel like between her thighs. What his soft lips would taste like if he did get that kiss from her. And every word he said just made her wetter and wetter. She feared she’d have a stain on her clothes once she got up from her seat, and the thought alone was mortifying.  
“I think you should let me kiss you,” he insisted, watching her intently. 
“No, I am not kissing you!” 
God, this steak was good!  
“How about this then,” he proposed slowly, “I scoot closer to you, and you let me play with your clit, while you eat, and then you come all over my hand. I pay the bill and we go to my place and I’ll continue making you come. Because all I want to do right now is kiss every inch of your porcelain skin, and fuck your soft, lovely mouth and watch my dick disappear between those rosy lips. And then you’ll come on my dick in your perfect pussy and ask for more, while screaming my name. And if you let me, I’ll fuck that gorgeous ass as well and will make you come from that as well. And then you’ll sleep in my arms and in the morning, we’ll go get breakfast.” 
She watched him in dull astonishment, her brain failing to work properly as she attempted to process his words.  
This really couldn’t be real. At all. No man, in the history of mankind, ever said words like these to a woman.  
Yes, he just sat there, with her perfect face and his perfect body, and waited. 
“And then you’ll go and kill some people at work?” was all she managed to say to his explicit monologue.  
She’s never been fucked anywhere, let alone her ass. So yeah. 
“Well, not at work. For work,” he corrected. 
“Uh uh,” she sighed. “And you are okay with me knowing about that then?” 
“Like I told you, I want you to trust me.” 
“Uh uh,” she sighed again. Then she set her napkin aside and told him calmly, 
“Azriel, it certainly has been an interesting evening. I thank you. I am not sure I’ll ever forget it, or you, but...I don’t think that I am the girl you need,” 
“All me to decide that,” he argued sharply. 
She chewed the inside of her cheek, before clarifying, “I suppose I choose not to be that girl for you.” 
“I like my boring little life. It suits me. And you...you don’t suit me or my life.” 
She couldn’t even believe her own assertiveness. She was rarely like this.  
“It’s unfortunate,” he said sadly. “Forgive me if I offended you,” 
“Astonished, more like,” 
“Better than offended.” 
She got up from her chair and her knees felt soft and shaky, and for the first time she understood what ‘jelly legs’ were. She had jelly legs because of him.  
“Thank you for dinner. I better be going.” 
“I’d like to walk you to your car,” he offered. 
“I think it’s a bad idea. Besides, I am getting an Uber. I drank too much. Goodbye, Azriel.” 
She rushed out of the restaurant and onto the bustling Fulton Market, where there were hundreds of people milling around. Her fingers trembling, she got her phone out of her clutch and pressed the Uber button on the verge of hysteria now. She didn’t know where she was going even, so she pressed ‘home’ even though she knew this Uber would host like $60 at least. But she needed to get away. Away from here, away from him, away from making a bad decision. Very bad, terrible decision that she was yearning to make right now. 
3 minutes. 
3 minutes. 
Okay, she just needed to make it for 3 minutes out here, until the car came. 
She glanced at the phone frantically, over and over again, watching the little car move along the street diagram. 
Suddenly, a familiar scarred hand reached over her shoulder and grabbed her phone.  
“Wait! Give it back!” she demanded desperately. 
Azriel smiled at her and then typed something in her phone.  
“Now you have my number.” 
A text chimed, and he added, “and I have yours”. 
“We’ll never see each other again,” she promised. 
“We’ll see,” he said simply. 
Finally, Honda Civic! Blue! There she was!  
She bounced on her heels impatiently, hoping he wouldn’t do anything, and yet hoping that he would at the same time. 
“Goodbye, Azriel,” she said again. 
He opened the door for her politely and before she folded herself into the car, he pressed his lips to the top of her head. 
“Happy birthday, beautiful. I’ll see you later.” 
Azriel ‘The Shadow’ Night had two problems on his hands. 
As he watched the Honda weave in and out of busy traffic, he lit a cigarette—an occasional bad habit of his—and inhaled deeply. 
Nothing that he told her was a lie. 
He did find her to be incredibly beautiful. And his attraction to her was instant and hit him like an avalanche. He’d never felt anything remotely like this before. He wanted her with every fiber of his being and know, innately, that their paths were crossed forever and for a reason. 
The only omission in his tale was that their meeting was not accidental. And that she was the target, who was his current assignment.  
Now, he needed to figure out how to murder her, while keeping her alive. 
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dulcetwhispers · 2 months ago
( a modern au)
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Elain Archeron’s life wasn’t her own. From the moment she drew in her first breath, her mom had her whole life planned out to a tee. Her mother never failed to voice her harsh opinions, and Elain bent over backwards to comply to her wishes each time, because she wanted her love and approval. It just seemed she was never good enough.
Azriel Knight didn’t do “love”. He had seen, as well as experienced, his fair share of relationships crumble — whether that be in death or heartbreak. He stuck to what he knew best: boxing. With three titles underneath his belt, he was regarded as the best boxer of the century with only one boxer drawing close to his skill, Lucien Vanserra, his adversary.
With one glance, Azriel is instantly drawn to her. Only she has another man wrapped around her, Lucien Vanserra.
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year ago
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E L A I N + A Z R I E L | A Modern Love Story
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slytherhys · 1 year ago
12 Days of Christmas - ACOTAR Edition
In the spirit of the Holidays, I will be writing & posting short stories about the ACOTAR characters for the next 12 days. Please note that some will be shorter than others and that this is simply meant to be a fun time for everyone that loves these characters as much as I do!
PS. I'm open to requests.
1st day of Christmas - Christmas Decorating
New Traditions (Modern Elriel AU)
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Living with Elain Archeron, Azriel had found, implied a great many things. For starters, there wasn’t a windowsill that wasn’t peppered with colourful vases, the leaves green and luscious all year around. The kitchen, now covered in all kinds of baking supplies he couldn’t even begin to name, was constantly in such a state of disarray that the simple task of getting a glass of water easily turned into a hefty task. He couldn’t complain – not when every day he was greeted by a different kind of pastry his girlfriend was eagerly trying for the first time.
These, however, were details Azriel had been expecting when he first asked Elain to move in with him. What he hadn’t expected, however, was the sight of the enormous garland covered in berries, orange slices and small pinecones, hanging on their front door. Nor did he expect the tiny, chubby snowman sitting on it, staring at him with unwarranted joy. Azriel scowled.
It was the first day of December.
He opened the door, briefly wondering if Bing Crosby’s voice was crooning from their neighbour’s living room and not theirs. If the sweet voice singing along wasn’t his girlfriend’s – who couldn’t possibly be decorating on the 1st day of December – and belonged to Mrs. Allis instead.
Such wishful thinking was short-lived.
The house, Azriel noticed, smelled distinctively of ginger and cinnamon, and the wooden table in the foyer, usually covered in random knickknacks and their house keys, now sported entirely too many candles and a knitted reindeer wearing a Christmas sweater, welcoming him home with an innocent smile. Azriel settled his keys next to it, feeling oddly disturbed.
Azriel eyed the kitchen with concern. He wouldn’t go in – not yet at least – but he could glimpse Elain’s baking supplies on the counter, as well as a plate filled with red velvet brownies. Azriel swallowed a groan, fighting the urge to eat one – Elain knew how much he loved red velvet, but this felt premeditated. It felt like a bribery. 
He kept walking, following the sound of Elain’s voice as he pointedly ignored the gingerbread house kit on the kitchen table (and the fact it remained unopened). Apprehension coursed through his body as he eyed the mistletoe hanging in the archway leading to the living room. As it was, Azriel usually decorated on the week before Christmas, and that was if Cassian nagged him enough that he’d just give up and put up whatever crappy decorations he had gotten throughout the years (read an old, plastic Christmas tree and a few random Christmas ball that didn’t really look good together). Azriel rarely spent Christmas in his own house, so it had never made much sense to decorate in the first place.
Elain, however, clearly had different plans.
Sure, this was their first Christmas together, but he couldn’t say he had expected this much…dedication on her part.
Azriel stopped in his tracks just as he reached the living room, eyes widening as he took in every single detail. Their once cosy living room was no longer. Their couch, a beige, dull thing by default, was covered in a fuzzy, checkered blanket, white pillows dotting its cushions. The usually empty mantelpiece was now covered by a green garland, dotted with fairy lights. Hanging from it, two stockings – one with an A stitched into it, the other with an E (if he seemed to smile at the sight of it, it was purely a muscle spasm).
He fought the urge to groan, side-eyeing the checkered blanket with horror once again. At least, he thought, there were no knitted animals in the living room.
Needless to say, he wasn’t entirely convinced on the Christmas decorations.
His girlfriend, however, was a sight to behold. He crossed his arms, fighting to not let his amusement show as he watched her. Even in her pyjamas and frowning at the tangled Christmas lights in her hands, Elain was lovely. Her cheeks were slightly pink, lips pursed in concentration as she appeared to fight the knotted mess in front of her (it seemed to Azriel she was losing, but he refrained from commenting on it). There was an old Christmas hat on her head, one Azriel faintly recalled taking home from one of Cassian’s holiday parties. It was entirely too big on her head, but it only made her all the more charming.
She was sitting on the floor, right next to a very tall, very bare Christmas tree. More boxes littered the floor around her, but Elain remained humming, unconcerned and completely unaware of Azriel’s presence in front of her.
Azriel hated to ruin her peace, but the checkered blanket seemed to mock him from the couch. He cleared his throat, face stoic ever as Elain yelped and looked up, eyes widening as she blushed.
“You’re home!” She greeted, standing up as she unceremoniously dropped the Christmas lights on the floor. Azriel raised an eyebrow, watching her as she turned down the volume of the music.
“What are you doing?” He asked, briefly wondering if this was one of those times Nesta had accused him of taking himself too seriously. Whatever that meant.
Elain, however, wasn’t deterred by his seriousness. She smiled prettily. “Decorating.”
Azriel made a show of raising both eyebrows. “It’s the 1st of December.”
“Yes.” She simply said, as if that explained everything.
“It’s the first of December.” He said again, not sure she had heard him correctly the first time.
“I’m aware.” She said, pushing the beanie away from her eyes. She did look adorable. “I’m in a festive mood. I wanted to do some light decorating.”
“Light?” He was vaguely aware he sounded like a crabby old man. Elain was too if the twitch in her lips was any indication. “Isn’t this all too much?” He still asked, eyeing the blanket.
He truly didn’t like that thing.
Elain blinked. Then she blinked again, taking in their living room. The couch, the tree, the mantle garland. Then she frowned. “Are you messing with me?”
Azriel scoffed. “Why would I be messing with you?” He took a step in her direction and Elain eyed him suspiciously. “There’s a gingerbread house in our kitchen.”
“No, there’s a gingerbread house kit in our kitchen.” She explained very slowly. “We’re going to build it together.”
“No, we’re not.” He chuckled, but his smile quickly fell away at her raised eyebrows. “We are?” He asked, frowning even as she walked towards him, a pretty smile on her lips.
“We are.” Elain said, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “But I made you red velvet brownies as a reward.” She whispered.
Azriel groaned, pressing his head against her neck, making her squeal as his beard tickled her skin. “You can’t distract me with brownies.”
“Are you sure?”
Azriel chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist as he pushed the Christmas hat away from her eyes. “I am.”
“Well, can I distract you with something else?” She asked, her fingers playing with the hairs on the nape of his neck. Azriel hummed, pressing his nose against her neck, taking her in for the first time in hours. He was almost distracted. Almost.
“Can we at least get rid of that blanket?”
Elain frowned, eyeing the couch. “What’s wrong with the blanket?”
Well, its very existence was wrong, in his opinion, and he opened his mouth to say just that.
“Nesta gave it to me.”
He promptly closed his mouth. The blanket was staying, then. Mother’s tits.
He cleared his throat. “And the tree?” He asked instead, trying to swiftly change the subject. Elain eyed with him a cheeky smirk, making it clear she was fully aware she had won the fight before it even begun.
Gods, he loved her.
“Were you going to start decorating it now?”
“Oh, well. No.” Elain turned shy, chuckling nervously. “I actually wanted to decorate it with you.”
“Right.” He nodded. “On the 1st of December?” He asked. Just to be sure. Elain chuckled, playfully pushing him away even as he tightened his hold around her.
She looked at the tree, avoiding his eyes. “I just wanted to give you a new tradition.” She shrugged. “Our own tradition.”
Oh. Oh.
He was an absolute fool.
Azriel looked at her, his heart beating wildly inside his chest. “You did, love?”
She shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “If you want to, that is.”
It was all he could do not to drop to his knees and show her exactly how much he did.
He kissed her instead, his tongue seeking hers, his hands roaming around her body. He groaned at the taste of her, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist. Elain smiled against his lips.
“Is that a yes?” She asked, gasping as his hands found her ass.
“How could I ever say no to you?” And little did she know how much he really meant it.
Which would explain why, merely hours later, Azriel could be found wearing a stupid Christmas hat, ignoring the stupid checkered blanket, and helping Elain put up the last of the ornaments on the too big Christmas tree. And if he had a smile on his face…
Well, that had everything to do with the girl in his arms.
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ariastarke · 6 months ago
the elriel brain rot has well and truly returned
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even in those quiet moments, i hear your voice
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elriel month prompt six: words unspoken
Another Secret Dating Modern AU installment. Read other fics in the series here
It was the laziest of Sundays, but it had been a while since Azriel had spent the entire morning in bed. He probably hadn’t done so since his teen years, when he’d sneak out of the house with Cass and Rhys and binge drink the cheap beer they’d bought with a fake ID in the local park all night, coming home just before the sun rose and sleeping the entire following day away. But honestly, if all his mornings included Elain Archeron tangled in his sheets, her jasmine scented hair splashed across his pillows and soft skin pressed up against his, he would do it more often. 
Azriel had never thought he’d be the type of guy to be down so bad for a girl, but the more layers of Elain he got to uncover, the more he realised he was made for someone like her. The broody guy who loitered in shadows, falling for the sunshine flower girl. He snorted at the absolute irony of it.
He’d promptly ignored the incessant texts from Cassian at seven am, his brother hounding him to meet at the gym for a session. It wasn’t going to happen. Not today. Today he was going to do nothing but lounge around with his girl. She’d been busy all week with work and assignments, and he’d barely gotten a chance to see her. 
If it was just their schedules that kept them apart, he may have been more compliant in her absence, but they had the unfortunate burden of also having to sneak around their nosy siblings. He loved that Elain was so close with her sisters, and he with his brothers. After all, they were all each other had.
Their little group had only grown closer since Rhys and Feyre had introduced them all, and he loved the bonds he shared with each, but sometimes they were all just so damn clingy.
He chuckled, wondering what their group must look like to outsiders. Probably something like the Cullen’s… Azriel grimaced, it was Elain’s fault he even knew that reference.
Elain had come over late last night after a dinner shift at the restaurant. Tired and cranky, she had dumped her bags in the doorway and made a beeline straight for his shower, complaining she smelled of fried calamari and beer. Azriel had laughed, thinking she was being melodramatic. She always smelt fucking amazing. 
She had emerged from his tiny ensuite twenty minutes later, wrapped in an oversized towel with her hair thrown up in a messy bun and steam wafting out of the door behind her like tendrils of smoke. It had taken all his willpower not to stalk over to her, whip that towel off her body and throw her onto the bed. Fuck, she was gorgeous.
She had further sealed his fate, driving home the final nail in the I Love Elain Archeron coffin, when she’d gone rummaging through one of his drawers. She’d turned around with a proud grin on her face when she’d found what she was looking for; an old band tee he’d had since college. Throwing on the faded tee she loved to sleep in so much, she’d curled up in bed beside him, giving him a soft peck on the cheek before settling in. 
Azriel’s eyes had almost rolled into the back of his head. She smelled like his shower gel, and that, paired with the oversized t-shirt she wore, had him internally peacocking in some fucked up, masculine alpha-male type of way. Whatever. He loved seeing Elain in his clothes, even if that did make him some sort of primitive, territorial bastard. She tucked herself into his side and Azriel had all but beamed in male pride.
He’d thrown on a Netflix movie for them to watch, but it had barely been ten minutes in before she had fallen asleep, her face pressed into his chest as her breath fanned across his skin. He’d simply smiled down at her and pulled her closer, rubbing a hand down her back, bringing his palm to rest at her waist. He’d let her sleep, his own eyes growing heavy as the warmth from her tiny form drifted over him and lulled him into a peaceful slumber not long after.
The following morning, he'd awoken early but remained in bed, not wanting to disentangle himself from the limbs she had wrapped around him in their sleep. Elain dozed peacefully as he looked over at her, and not being able to resist her thrall any longer, he gingerly rolled over onto his side. Gently pushing aside the hair that had slid over her face, scarred fingertips fluttering over her serene expression, he pressed the softest of kisses to her nose.
She didn’t stir.
He leant forward again, peppering her face with feather-light kisses, brushing his lips lightly over her cheeks, her eyes, her temples, her jaw. 
With a deep exhale and a stretch of her legs, Elain’s eyes finally fluttered open, blinking as she adjusted to the light. The soft morning sunlight filtered through his window and gilded her hair in streaks of brilliant gold and honey brown. He couldn’t help but gape in awe at her, she’d never looked more beautiful.
“Morning,” she croaked, her voice still thick from sleep, face half buried in the pillow. 
His lips twitched into the ghost of a soft smile. Elain had breezed into his life just a few months ago, but in that short amount of time, she’d managed to awaken something deep within him that had long been slumbering. Something he had not even been sure he would ever possess, that vulnerable ability to open oneself up to another person entirely and just… trust. Yet here she was, making him fall head over heels for her in close to no time at all.
Beneath the rumpled sheets, she hitched a leg to rest over his hip and his skin prickled in response, delighted at her proximity.
He smirked, running a hand down her smooth thigh. “Morning, tater-tot.” 
She chuckled at the ridiculous nickname, and Azriel catalogued that laugh to memory. He couldn’t recall how it had started but every day since they’d been together, he’d think up of a new— albeit random— nickname to call her. She laughed every time, often remarking about the increasing ridiculousness of the names he gave her. He liked to keep her on her toes that way, and tater-tots were cute. Only psychopaths didn’t love potatoes.
Snaking an arm around her waist as his other hand gripped the thigh she had hitched on his hip, he tugged Elain across the sheets and into his embrace. Plunging his hand into her thick hair, he angled her face and kissed her, lazy and slow.
Her soft body melted into him as she sighed into it, kissing him back decadently as her hand came up from beneath the sheets to cup his cheek. He shuffled even closer to her, sidling up beside her, pressing their chests together. Elain in turn shifted, hitching her leg higher on his waist, sinking deeper into his sheets, all but mewling at his unhurried attention.
Azriel felt her delicate fingers creep up to card in the hair at the nape of his neck, her tongue laving at the seam of his lips. He opened for her, allowing his tongue to lazily caress hers as he kissed her, nice and slow, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth gently. 
A small whimper escaped her throat, her hips canting softly into his, and that was all it took to spur him into action. Gripping her thigh in his palm, Azriel rolled them over, settling himself on top of her, his hips cradled in the soft space she created for him between her split thighs. 
He tore his lips from hers, a true testament to his will. Or perhaps it was just proof of his hedonistic desire to simply stare at the way Elain was sprawled out beneath him, that debauched urge all but demanding he visually engross himself in how tantalizing she looked whilst spread out in his bed. 
She always looked beautiful, but there was something about this moment; the way her doe eyes would soften, the way her hair would lay tousled around her, the adorable pink flush colouring her cheeks… he would never tire of it. If he had any talent with a paintbrush or skill behind a lens, he would capture it to keep forever, but instead it was another thing he promised to commit to memory.
Holding himself above her, a muscled forearm resting on the pillow beside her head, Elain merely gazed up at him, a small, secret smile blooming across her lovely face. They never needed words, and yet they could always discern what the other conveyed. In the short time they’d been together, they’d become so proficient at quietly observing each other, they could often converse simply with a pointed look across the room or a subtle twitch of an expression. He loved that. He loved feeling seen by Elain, and in turn documenting her every little quirk, interpreting the meaning of each one of her silent cues. He intended to be proficient in the unspoken language of Elain Archeron and nothing could sway his determination.
He was so fucking done for.
Elain drew her arms up, slinging them about his shoulders, hands hanging limply behind him as her fingertips brushed his shoulder blades. Goosebumps erupted across his skin, and he couldn’t help but sink into her warm embrace, her body so supple and welcoming beneath him. 
The old t-shirt she wore had ridden up around her hips, and as he drew himself closer to kiss her, he pressed his hips firmly into the warm centre of her.
Something akin to a squeak escaped her lips, causing her in turn to wrap her long legs around his waist. He marvelled at her warmth, relished in doing nothing but exist in Elain’s hold. Kissing her deeply, keeping his machinations unhurried and languid, he couldn’t help but think he would happily live and die in this very spot. 
Shifting beneath him, Elain’s hands trailed up his body and dove into his hair, deepening the kiss as her thighs split imperceptibly wider, allowing his rapidly hardening cock to nestle snuggly against her. She loved it. She let loose a little breath, her back arching at the increased pressure on her sensitive folds. She bit his lip gently, unable to control the pleasure slowly building, and rolled her hips, seeking more friction where she needed it the most.
Azriel chuckled, pulling back once more to look down at her. Her pupils were blown wide, all traces of sleepiness gone. In its place was a sultry, sexual profligacy, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she gazed back up at him.
“Az, I need… uh!” she trailed off at a particularly delicious roll of his hips.
Azriel tenderly brushed the golden strands of hair that had fallen into her face. “I know, baby,” he cooed, placating her with another languorous thrust of his hips, benevolently rolling into her, burying her deeper into his sheets with the motion.
Elain’s mouth popped open, her eyes heavy lidded, the brown of her irises sparkling with desire behind them. He lived to see her pleasure splashed across her face.
Running a hand down his chiselled abdomen, Elain pried open the waistband of his underwear and eased one slight hand beneath the cotton. Her fingers were exploratory, fondling him lightly before finally wrapping them around his shaft. His head flopped heavily between his shoulders at her touch, his mouth falling open with an exhale. 
Her touch immediately sent sparks of pleasure ricocheting through his veins, her fingers well practiced in his preferences. The pressure she applied was just how he liked it. Fuck.
Gathering his wits, he gripped the hem of the tee she wore and slowly pulled it up her torso, exposing her iridescent skin one slow inch at a time. Her grip around him tightened, unhurriedly stroking the hard length of him. 
Pulling the shirt up to her collarbones and exposing her breasts, his mouth watered at the sight of her curves, her peaked nipples ready and waiting for him to steal a taste. Lowering his face to her chest, he puckered his lips around the hardened bud of one, his tongue laving hungrily at her skin. A soft cry escaped her as she flung her head back into her pillow, her back arching beautifully.
The movement allowed him to twine a hand beneath her, pressing his palm firmly against her back to push her breasts into his face, effectively smothering himself in the swell of her curves.
Releasing her nipple from his mouth with a soft pop, Azriel licked his way across the valley of her breasts to the other side, lavishing the second with the same attention. He traced a broad hand around her waist and up to cup her breast, sinful fingers replacing where his mouth had just been, his tongue continuing to lick and suck at her chest with a reverence he reserved solely for Elain. He moaned at the taste, the scent and feel of her skin engulfing his senses completely.
He sucked and pulled and licked at her skin, teeth nipping the sensitive swells of her breasts until he’d left several blooming violet marks splashed lovingly across her chest. He knew she loved the little reminders of his passion, that the thought of wearing his love bites hidden beneath her clothes excited her. And he loved giving them to her. He could never get enough.
A short yelp escaped her at a particularly enthusiastic pass of his teeth against her hard nipple.
Seemingly decided she was done with being teased into oblivion, Elain had grown increasingly needy and pointedly pulled his cock free from his boxer briefs, stroking him with increased fervour.
She gripped him hard and twisted her hand around his shaft, just how he fucking liked it. Azriel shivered at her touch, hazily admiring the way she was able to work him up just as effectively as he had her. His blood pounded in his ears as he grew almost painfully hard, his cock leaking and standing at attention.
Elain continued to expertly stroke him, whilst the fingers of her other hand twined in his hair. Administering a sharp pull, the tug caused him to reluctantly tear his mouth away from her plush breasts.
He crooked a brow at her insistence, injecting a low timbre in his voice he knew drove Elain wild. “Yes?”
Her only answer was another soft whine as he pointedly rolled into her dripping folds again, her own hand still wrapped around his cock adding to the friction.
He gazed down at her, a smug grin blooming across his lips at the desperation he saw leaching from her. Her chocolate brown eyes smouldered and she all but trembled with want, his hips pinning her resolutely beneath him.
He watched the way her throat bobbed as she swallowed thickly, the way her nipples had turned a bright pink from his ministrations, how her kiss-swollen lips parted as her breath panted out before her. She gazed at him how a hungry beast may observe its prey, and he knew that same desire was reflected in his own eyes. Stooping down for one last peck to the little dip between her collarbones, he settled onto his forearms, pressing his chest flush against hers.
Sensing her small hands fumble to line up his cock at her needy entrance, Elain exhaled contentedly, eyes beautifully fluttering into the back of her skull as he began to sink slowly into her. 
So soft. She was always so fucking soft, and tight and warm for him. And wet. She was so fucking wet.
He shuddered above her, pausing halfway, allowing her to adjust to the intrusion before he continued. Biting her lip, she slung her arms over his shoulders once more and urged him onwards with a small tilt of her hips, imploring him to go deeper. Silently begging him for more.
Rolling his hips into hers, she cried out as he finally pushed all the way in, her slickened walls enveloping him deliciously as she trembled beneath him. She looked up at him with that burning desire they both felt so acutely written across her face, her teeth sensually sinking into her plush bottom lip. She all but begged him to move, her eyes expressing everything she needn’t voice.
Pressing a kiss to her jaw, her neck, behind her ear, he nuzzled his face into her silken hair as he started to move. 
Rocking in and out of her slowly, he lengthened his strokes, feeling her clench deliciously around him with each pass. Her arms came to wrap around his middle and her nails scraped down his shoulder blades, a sure sign that Elain was holding herself back from tumbling over that edge too soon. He knew she wanted him to come with her. Knew she loved it when they found their pleasure simultaneously in a puddle of heaving chests and garbled pleas. He’d let her have it, but he wasn’t going to make it easy for her.
Edging their way ever closer to their pleasure, he continued to plunge impossibly deeper into her, over and over, the feeling of her delicate muscles beginning to flutter around him. Their chests had grown slick with sweat causing them to slide against each other with each stroke, only adding to the debauched eroticism. Knowing she loved the stimulation to her nipples, loved his weight atop her, he pressed her more firmly into the mattress beneath them as he continued fucking into her. 
“God— Az!” 
It was a desperate, reverent plea, her fingernails scraping down the skin of his back leaving red marks in their wake.
Elain attempted to clasp her knees together, her taught thighs pressing into his sides as he continued to drive into her wet heat. Pulling his face from its resting place nuzzled against her neck, he lay his forehead against hers. 
Their hot breathes mingled in the space between them, gasps and moans falling from their lips as Azriel drove into her over and over, as deep as he could possibly go. Nudging that elusive knot of nerves he knew would have Elain seeing stars with every drive of his pelvis, a small cry bubbled from between her lips, her fingertips digging into his muscled back as he pounded into her. 
Feeling his own orgasm looming, he swiped his tongue into her mouth, catching the whimpers and cries she let loose like they sustained his very lifeblood.
Trying and failing to hold his composure, his movements grew sloppy and frantic as they both hurtled toward their climax, their bodies slamming together and edging ever closer to that summit. His head emptied of all other thoughts but Elain, Elain, Elain; and with one final, heavy thrust, she cried out, her face twisting into a pageant of pleasure. 
Her hands clutched frantically at his biceps as she came around his cock, her breath catching in her throat as her plump lips opened into a pretty O. The sounds of her orgasm reached their crescendo, and only moments passed before Azriel was following closely behind.
With a stuttered grunt and an echo of her name he spilled into her, her folds fluttering around his shaft, her tight inner muscles heightening his pleasure.
His mind short-circuited in his bliss, but he focused on the feel of her flushed breasts pressed beneath him, their mingled releases dribbling around him, her breath fanning across his sweaty face. Elain. He could never fucking get enough.
They remained tangled around one another and panting. Brown and hazel eyes screwed shut, but parted lips softly grazing the others’ as he sloppily rocked them through the final throes of their pleasure. 
Azriel’s arms gave way as he slumped heavily into Elain’s embrace, her tense muscles now softening and turning pliant once more. She glistened with sweat, the golden-brown hair at her temples curling against her glowing skin.
His mind had gone blank. Utterly quiet in the wake of his climax. All except for one thought that emerged from the heady fog: this. 
This. This. This.
This is how he wanted to spend all his days. With her. Irretrievably intertwined in each other. Warm, safe, peaceful. In their own little haven of quiet understanding and unbridled desire. The way she understood him, saw him, without the need of any unnecessary words. 
Yes, this was fucking it. He’d never be able to go back to life without her.
As the haze of passion cleared, he became conscious of his entire bulky frame completely smothering his tiny girlfriend beneath him. Fuck, he was probably crushing her lungs.
Pressing a chaste kiss to the hollow of her throat he attempted to pull their sweat-slicked bodies apart, but she only mumbled something that sounded like not yet and pulled him soundly back on top of her, wrapping her legs securely around his waist to hold him in place. 
Ok then, he wasn’t going to argue.
Instead, Azriel just smiled into her neck, gently brushing the hair away from her face as he murmured into her skin, “Love you, too.”
She only hugged him tighter.
A special thanks to @tswaney17 for helping me pull this out of the trash💚
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deathsweetblossoms · 2 years ago
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"You're here," she said, only half sure she'd said the words out loud.
"I'm here." He tugged lightly on her braid before pulling his hand back.
Recessional by @ultadverb
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shadowsingerdraco · 10 months ago
working on part two of my sjmU modern university fic !! soo excited !!
read part one here :)
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